Talk about an all time thread backfire (Lol Bro edition)

Our board is the USA

Their board is North Korea. Jody Demling is a scared weasel and a clown with not a trace of a backbone.

Their moderators ( Demling) have no shame in their game much like their former coaches banging chicks on Italian restaurant tables and riding them around on Harley's.

Most delusional message board pussies I've ever seen and I've been here since al gore invented this byatch!
I love going over to their board (A board I don't believe I have ever posted on), and seeing "(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)"
Do they just come over here, make a list, and auto ban a bunch of names?
If so, that's really pathetic and insecure.o_O
I love going over to their board (A board I don't believe I have ever posted on), and seeing "(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)"
Do they just come over here, make a list, and auto ban a bunch of names?
If so, that's really pathetic and insecure.o_O

The mods locked it because they're too insecure about their abysmal "football team", while UK is ranked.

Sorriest bunch of trashy morons in the sports universe.
I am on a permanent ban and only had the chance to post one comment. All I said was UL should consider it a privilege to play UK. That set them off and I am forever banned. I haven't missed anything. - Error

You have been banned for the following reason: Rules violations
What a loathsome bunch of turds that they are. If anyone here on this board is ever inclined to give that fanbase a shred of sympathy, I suggest that the thread on this post be visited.
Louisville fans are trash. I’ve never met a single one that had any class.
Wouldn’t quite go that far. One guy whose company did some work for us, is a UofL grad that I respect. He has confided to me previously that he’s been embarrassed about UofL athletics, and he has sent his daughter to UK.

My cousin married into a UofL family many years ago and unfortunately has converted to the dark side. Certainly not going to disown her, but I only see her about once a year and try to keep discussion away from sports when I do.

But yeah nearly every one of their posters are delusional.
[roll][laughing][laughing][laughing]The original poster of that thread ended his post with “hell we had one of the worst defenses last year and still didn’t even have to punt”. What the hell does your defense have to do with your team not having to punt. And they call us a clueless fan base.
The mods locked it because they're too insecure about their abysmal "football team", while UK is ranked.

Sorriest bunch of trashy morons in the sports universe.
Everyone should go there and like all their posts.