Starter Motorcycle Advice

I purchased a bike when I was 18 against the advice of my dad. I had it for several months and enjoyed it until an idiot pulled out in front of me and I almost T-boned him in the door. Luckily I was able to avoid wrecking but decided then and there that with all of the dumb drivers on the road that I didn't need a bike.
I purchased a bike when I was 18 against the advice of my dad. I had it for several months and enjoyed it until an idiot pulled out in front of me and I almost T-boned him in the door. Luckily I was able to avoid wrecking but decided then and there that with all of the dumb drivers on the road that I didn't need a bike.
Man I’m pretty much looking for eye contact and no wheel movement at all before I even let off the clutch when approaching someone stopped - people either don’t see me or try to rush in front of me. As long as I know it’s coming ajd have a plan it’s usually all in slo mo but you can’t always be in such an advantageous spot
Man I’m pretty much looking for eye contact and no wheel movement at all before I even let off the clutch when approaching someone stopped - people either don’t see me or try to rush in front of me. As long as I know it’s coming ajd have a plan it’s usually all in slo mo but you can’t always be in such an advantageous spot
Some people are just idiots. A month or so ago I had a log truck pull smack out in front of me while I was pulling my 32ft long camper. He went literally 200 feet and turned on his turn signal to turn left into a gas station. If I hadn't started slowing down just in case he did pull out I would have not been able to stop and rear ended his log truck. In cases like that I understand some of these road rage videos you see.
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