the win at all costs UL policies that UL has pursued since jurich has been there, and the endorsement by their fan base, at least the few that are honest about it.
Lots of bad news, damaging testimony, coming out about the basketball program, and the football program was in much more desperate straits with not nearly the assets of the basketball program until recently-----until the hiring of hurtt, the NROTY at the U, to be more specific. Understandable at the U, in the middle of all that talent, with football NCs, with the beaches, and with their history of cheating. How in hell did he do it at UL? The same way IMO. Still amazed that this came out about their basketball program before the football program.
Pitino might have gotten away with this if he didn't have another strike against him, the tabletop paid abortion manipulation of the situation where he came out smelling like a rose (if you wipe the slime off first) because he can hire the best lawyers. And since the consensus is that he is responsible because he heads up the program, shouldn't there be the same reasoning with jurich, that has THRICE been guilty of covering up scandals and hiring/rehiring/retaining undesirable characters that reflect badly on any University, namely Slick Rick, BP, and hurtt------besides all his other sins, Willie, the Yum center, games on a regular basis any day of the week, etc etc. If the blame goes to the top, why should he be exempt, he is the one that created this cesspool.
And that would affect football, if it hasn't already, how can parents think their tactics are restricted to basketball?
But then money talks and with RPs lawyers there is a distinct possibility that the woman ends up in jail and Slick Rick gets all the royalties from the book, in which case he might end up promoting it instead of trying to suppress it-----LOL.
Lots of bad news, damaging testimony, coming out about the basketball program, and the football program was in much more desperate straits with not nearly the assets of the basketball program until recently-----until the hiring of hurtt, the NROTY at the U, to be more specific. Understandable at the U, in the middle of all that talent, with football NCs, with the beaches, and with their history of cheating. How in hell did he do it at UL? The same way IMO. Still amazed that this came out about their basketball program before the football program.
Pitino might have gotten away with this if he didn't have another strike against him, the tabletop paid abortion manipulation of the situation where he came out smelling like a rose (if you wipe the slime off first) because he can hire the best lawyers. And since the consensus is that he is responsible because he heads up the program, shouldn't there be the same reasoning with jurich, that has THRICE been guilty of covering up scandals and hiring/rehiring/retaining undesirable characters that reflect badly on any University, namely Slick Rick, BP, and hurtt------besides all his other sins, Willie, the Yum center, games on a regular basis any day of the week, etc etc. If the blame goes to the top, why should he be exempt, he is the one that created this cesspool.
And that would affect football, if it hasn't already, how can parents think their tactics are restricted to basketball?
But then money talks and with RPs lawyers there is a distinct possibility that the woman ends up in jail and Slick Rick gets all the royalties from the book, in which case he might end up promoting it instead of trying to suppress it-----LOL.