Sonny Barrios' Latest Murray to Oregon (Slurp, slurp) Article

I care but not holding my breath or F5ing like with the guy that went to California. If it happens fine. If not let's lace'em up.
That is the weirdest article I've ever read. It goes from criticizing Jamal's dad for being overprotective, to saying he's so spiteful he might change the destination cause he's pissed, to some weird "Jamal should go to Oregon" recruiting pitch, to saying it's a done deal for Oregon...all while being smug and arrogant.

Murray may go to Oregon, but even more certain that that is this Bairos guy is an assclown.
“He has always been weirdly over protective of Jamal. With Sunday’s report stirring the pot don’t put it past Roger to go against the grain on his destination now out of spite,” a source said Monday evening."

a source = Sonny Bairos.
LOL I'm just playing this scenario out in my head. Ya know, the one where Murray gets on national television (in Canada), and picks the Kentucky hat. When the reporter asks why he picked UK, Murray flips off the camera and says "Because f*** Sonny Bairos".
I would like that. Would certainly support Bairos' "going against the grain" comment. Heaven knows that nothing else in Murray's actual recruitment supports anything that he said.
At first I thought it was written by a 6 year old but then I read "Ask yourself this, would you rather help Lebron James win another ring or would you with friends want to deliver a city their first championship in franchise history?". I immediately knew it was a bona fide idiot that had written the article. Nobody in their right mind would think Murray is going to win Oregon a championship. Heck even MJ or Lebron wouldn't be able to do that by themselves.
This guy does not like UK by reading it. I determined I don't like him after I read this:

"Murray but no more then teammate Thon"

He's stupid. That's all I needed to see.
Bairos seemed to get a little defensive when some reporters called him out for false information yesterday, most vocal was Adam Zagoria. Then Bairos seemed to get really aggressive in an attempt to prove he was correct. That's when this article came out. Today he has backpedaled a bit and said Murray may pick Kentucky, but still thinks it will be Oregon.

Murray may well choose Oregon, but I doubt Bairos has the scoop. Just seems like a guy trying to make a name for himself.
Does this guy get a cut if Murray picks Oregon?

Some of the article sounds like "if you don't pick Oregon, what's wrong with you?!"
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This guy has a lot of baggage, and was picked on as a child, so he is insecure and wants validation or he's an idioto_O
But the thing about it IS - everybody understands credibility, especially Bairos. So by him making such an arrogant prediction on Murry indicates he is very sure of his position. And for those that think Barios is stupid because of his grammar, please be aware that half the members here don't know the difference between then and than.
But the thing about it IS - everybody understands credibility, especially Bairos. So by him making such an arrogant prediction on Murry indicates he is very sure of his position. And for those that think Barios is stupid because of his grammar, please be aware that half the members here don't know the difference between then and than.

"Everybody understands credibility"

LOL, if this guy was concerned with credibility why would he include the quote about how Jthe father "has always been weirdly over protective of Jamal. With Sunday’s report stirring the pot don’t put it past Roger to go against the grain on his destination now out of spite,”

If he was concerned with credibility, why would he make overtures that Oregon may even have A SINGLE PRAYER of winning a national championship, considering neither Dana Altman nor Oregon have been to a final four in 75+ years?

If he was concerned with credibility, why the overt recruit pitch and bias as to why Murray should go to Oregon?

This dude may very well be arrogant and confident, but it has nothing to do with his inside sources or information. He's a full blow douche that nobody had ever heard of before, and nobody will ever hear from again.
"Everybody understands credibility"

LOL, if this guy was concerned with credibility why would he include the quote about how Jthe father "has always been weirdly over protective of Jamal. With Sunday’s report stirring the pot don’t put it past Roger to go against the grain on his destination now out of spite,”

If he was concerned with credibility, why would he make overtures that Oregon may even have A SINGLE PRAYER of winning a national championship, considering neither Dana Altman nor Oregon have been to a final four in 75+ years?

If he was concerned with credibility, why the overt recruit pitch and bias as to why Murray should go to Oregon?

This dude may very well be arrogant and confident, but it has nothing to do with his inside sources or information. He's a full blow douche that nobody had ever heard of before, and nobody will ever hear from again.

I hear you dude, loud and clear, and I hope your insinuation that we are getting Murry is correct. We'll soon see
I hear you dude, loud and clear, and I hope your insinuation that we are getting Murry is correct. We'll soon see

Honestly I'm not making that insinuation at all...I have no credible information on where Murray is going. Which is precisely the same level of credible information I believe this DB to have.

That said, I do have credible information on why his "recruiting pitch" to Murray is WHACK. I'm sorry, but "they've been recruiting him longer", and "why go to a place that has had other stars??" just don't seem to have the same spunk as "go to a place where you'll probably play in the final four and get drafted super early".