"Everybody understands credibility"
LOL, if this guy was concerned with credibility why would he include the quote about how Jthe father "has always been weirdly over protective of Jamal. With Sunday’s report stirring the pot don’t put it past Roger to go against the grain on his destination now out of spite,”
If he was concerned with credibility, why would he make overtures that Oregon may even have A SINGLE PRAYER of winning a national championship, considering neither Dana Altman nor Oregon have been to a final four in 75+ years?
If he was concerned with credibility, why the overt recruit pitch and bias as to why Murray should go to Oregon?
This dude may very well be arrogant and confident, but it has nothing to do with his inside sources or information. He's a full blow douche that nobody had ever heard of before, and nobody will ever hear from again.