Something Ornamental to put Change in.


Mar 5, 2014
Kentucky Grown
Looking for ideas I have a ton of change and I want to keep it.

The best I can come up with in my mind is a big bourbon bottle like a quart or half gallon but I never touch the stuff anymore.

Meijers used to have some UK banks shaped like a beer bottle but I never go there anymore.

I need ideas.
You'll need something that can easily fit in your shopping cart...and something that has other practical uses, like keeping you warm at night while you're sleeping under the bridge.

Maybe a potato sack? I'm sure you could find one in a dumpster or Goodwill might be able to help you out.

Another idea might be to fill a few socks; they could double as weapons and you could dual-wield to fend off crack heads attempting to raperob you while sleeping in a rest area bathroom stall.
This post was edited on 3/14 8:55 AM by argubs2
Store them in you mom's drawers. I'm insinuating that she is fat and her underwear would be spacious enough to accommodate a large amount of items.

Seriously though OP, I get it.

By 2678, all that change will be worth almost DOUBLE current street value. It's the smart play and I like your spunk.
Seriously OP...that spunk.

You just so happened to stumble into the right thread. I happen to be an owner of a very special business that employs hungry / ready-to-shine individuals such as yourself.

You walk the streets like all of my other current employees (other transients and less of home individuals) and collect change. End of the month, it's a 60/40 split. You get 40 and if you're able to find paper money, you get a punch in your turkey sandwich card.

Six punches in your turkey sandwich card get you a half turkey sandwich. You'll need to go out of pocket for condiments unfortunately, mayo isn't in my budget for this fiscal year.
Originally posted by BigBlueFan1963:
Looking for ideas I have a ton of change and I want to keep it.

The best I can come up with in my mind is a big bourbon bottle like a quart or half gallon but I never touch the stuff anymore.

Meijers used to have some UK banks shaped like a beer bottle but I never go there anymore.

I need ideas.
On a serious note. I knew a guy who all his change in this 4 ft high plastic toy that his kids had. After about 10 yrs it was full and he wanted to take to the bank, but couldn't carry it.
Originally posted by BigBlueFan1963:
I have a ton of change and I want to keep it...The best I can come up with in my mind is a big bourbon bottle like a quart or half gallon but I never touch the stuff anymore.
If you think 2,000 lbs worth of coins will fit in either a quart or half-gallon sized bottle you've grossly over-estimated the amount of change you actually have.
Get a 5 gallon water bottle. I guess you could paint it to decorate it. I have a glass 5 gallon bottle I use to put my change in. Before I cashed it in, I had about 3 inches of coins in it and it was about $160+. It was already fairly heavy since the bottle probably weighed 20+ pounds. If that were filled all the way up, it probably would have been close to $1,000 and at least a couple hundred pounds. I don't know how I would have gotten it cashed in though.
Posted from Rivals Mobile