Don't understand all the Carolina hate on here, looks to me you guys should hate Duke.
That's easy.
For many, many years the UK program has been routinely portrayed by the nation and certain members of the national media as a racist, cheating, win at all costs program.
OTOH UNC has been held up as the shining example of all that is right in college basketball. Consistently winning with pre med and pre law students with 3.8 gpa's and who also just happen to be all American basketball players. The cream of the crop led by the most righteous college coach ever, second only to MLK in advancing the equality cause for African Americans. The kind of kids that every parent would aspire their sons to be. Doing things the "right way", nay, doing things "the Carolina Way". Seriously, I've had that BS shoved down my throat by ESPN and others for 30 plus years.
But then all of a sudden, not only is that myth not true, it is just the exact total opposite of what has been portrayed. UNC is not the bastion of all that is right in college athletics,
it is actually the biggest cheating fraud of an athletics department ever revealed ever in the whole freaking history ever of college athletics, ever. SMU says thanks for relegating them to second place.
Every accolade and success that your "program" (for lack of a better word) has attained is all based on cheating, rule breaking, hypocrisy, and lies, lies, lies, and even more lies.
So yeah, the hate runs strong here. If you can't figure that out, then you need to stick with reading your Art Chansky articles and listening to David Glenn. They'll tell you what you want to hear.
Luckily for UNC though, only about half of the cat is out of the bag. All of the billowing smoke of financial benefits, rental cars, Tammi Hansbrough's $95k/year job as a fund raiser (LOL! yeah, right), and on and on and on and on is somehow being miraculously bypassed by the media and the NCAA.
The half that is out though is more than enough to fry your cheating, lying, hypocritical asses. Again, luckily (or perhaps curiously) for UNC it appears the NCAA is going to cut things off before it gets to Saint Dean the Pure. Even though anyone with an IQ above 0.1 can see that he is shoulder deep in the cheating as he was the lead architect of it.
Dean may escape the stain on his legacy in the short run, but history will not be kind as the internet is not going away. Think about John Wooden. 20 years ago, he was largely considered the all time greatest coach with unquestioned integrity. Now everyone knows that his players were paid handsomely for attending UCLA and that Wooden is just another fraud whose successes were mostly from player's who should have been ineligible. In 20 years (or less?) only the UNC faithful will still revere St. Dean, while the rest of the country will be laughing our @sses off because we know him for what he was - a cheater, liar, hypocrite, and fraud.
Just think, Dean's ultimate legacy to college basketball is going to be the 4 corners offense and being the mastermind of a brilliant scheme to cheat and fraud his way to winning games and titles. Now that's a legacy worth remembering. Congrats!