So when is the day of reckoning for Carolina?

I have been enjoying the unc fan beatdown embarrassment but just had to chime in. The fact that he felt the need to change the subject to football? Priceless!
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Final Standings

Rank - School - Points
5 North Carolina 1152.00
22 Kentucky 794.50

Good job, Carolina, although this year was once again par for the course and another top-10 finish.

Great job, UK, as you generally don't finish this high.
I can't wait to see your "2014-15 LEARFIELD SPORTS DIRECTORS' CUP" banner in your rafters at the Dean Dome. It will be the only one left up there after they rip all the other ones out for cheating.
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Where are my manners?

Congrats, UK, on winning the national championship this year. 40-0. How impressive!
Congrats on your UNC diploma, an accomplishment of epic "preportions."

Final Standings

Rank - School - Points
5 North Carolina 1152.00
22 Kentucky 794.50

Good job, Carolina, although this year was once again par for the course and another top-10 finish.

Great job, UK, as you generally don't finish this high.
You'll have plenty of room to hang a banner in a few months.
Don't understand all the Carolina hate on here, looks to me you guys should hate Duke.

That's easy.

For many, many years the UK program has been routinely portrayed by the nation and certain members of the national media as a racist, cheating, win at all costs program.

OTOH UNC has been held up as the shining example of all that is right in college basketball. Consistently winning with pre med and pre law students with 3.8 gpa's and who also just happen to be all American basketball players. The cream of the crop led by the most righteous college coach ever, second only to MLK in advancing the equality cause for African Americans. The kind of kids that every parent would aspire their sons to be. Doing things the "right way", nay, doing things "the Carolina Way". Seriously, I've had that BS shoved down my throat by ESPN and others for 30 plus years.

But then all of a sudden, not only is that myth not true, it is just the exact total opposite of what has been portrayed. UNC is not the bastion of all that is right in college athletics, it is actually the biggest cheating fraud of an athletics department ever revealed ever in the whole freaking history ever of college athletics, ever. SMU says thanks for relegating them to second place.

Every accolade and success that your "program" (for lack of a better word) has attained is all based on cheating, rule breaking, hypocrisy, and lies, lies, lies, and even more lies.

So yeah, the hate runs strong here. If you can't figure that out, then you need to stick with reading your Art Chansky articles and listening to David Glenn. They'll tell you what you want to hear.

Luckily for UNC though, only about half of the cat is out of the bag. All of the billowing smoke of financial benefits, rental cars, Tammi Hansbrough's $95k/year job as a fund raiser (LOL! yeah, right), and on and on and on and on is somehow being miraculously bypassed by the media and the NCAA.

The half that is out though is more than enough to fry your cheating, lying, hypocritical asses. Again, luckily (or perhaps curiously) for UNC it appears the NCAA is going to cut things off before it gets to Saint Dean the Pure. Even though anyone with an IQ above 0.1 can see that he is shoulder deep in the cheating as he was the lead architect of it.

Dean may escape the stain on his legacy in the short run, but history will not be kind as the internet is not going away. Think about John Wooden. 20 years ago, he was largely considered the all time greatest coach with unquestioned integrity. Now everyone knows that his players were paid handsomely for attending UCLA and that Wooden is just another fraud whose successes were mostly from player's who should have been ineligible. In 20 years (or less?) only the UNC faithful will still revere St. Dean, while the rest of the country will be laughing our @sses off because we know him for what he was - a cheater, liar, hypocrite, and fraud.

Just think, Dean's ultimate legacy to college basketball is going to be the 4 corners offense and being the mastermind of a brilliant scheme to cheat and fraud his way to winning games and titles. Now that's a legacy worth remembering. Congrats!
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Just think, Dean's ultimate legacy to college basketball is going to be the 4 corners offense and being the mastermind of a brilliant scheme to cheat and fraud his way to winning games and titles. Now that's a legacy worth remembering. Congrats!


Just for clarification, Ky. Wesleyan is on that list for a shaky financial base. Lately several large bequests have come in that should alleviate problems. In no way was academic integrity an issue. And they were under a warning, not probation.

However, UNCheat is there because of a lack of academic integrity. And placed on probation, the next step to losing accreditation. To me, that's a huge difference. So even though they're both on that list, how they got there is completely different.
Just for clarification, Ky. Wesleyan is on that list for a shaky financial base. Lately several large bequests have come in that should alleviate problems. In no way was academic integrity an issue. And they were under a warning, not probation.

However, UNCheat is there because of a lack of academic integrity. And placed on probation, the next step to losing accreditation. To me, that's a huge difference. So even though they're both on that list, how they got there is completely different.

Thanks for clarifying that for all of us. It just shows even further the serious nature of UNC's academic issues.
Of course when it came time for Rashad McCants to testify before investigators, he suddenly had nothing to say.

He didn't speak with NCAA investigators because the first thing they do is turn that interview over to unc. No way the truth is revealed sharing incriminating evidence with the exact same party that committed the infractions to begin with! Duh. It plays right into unc's hands for Rashad to speak with the NCAA. unc could do what they've been doing for the last 4+ years....spin , lie and obfuscate. No matter how crazy he may seem , Rashad can say or do anything. All ya need to know about the guy is this...he released his transcripts and no one else on that team would. Willingham has said it from the get-go. "The truth is in the transcripts." Take the transcripts belonging to unc players and take a list of the fraudulent ( not "easy"....FRAUDULENT! ) courses and re-calculate the GPA's. Then decide who was academically eligible and who wasn't. Easy enough. Ask yourself this. If all unc had to do was publicly release those transcripts to clear their name , don't ya think they'd do it? They've spent MILLIONS on PR and lawyers. Releasing those transcripts cost NOTHING. Yet unc refuses to do it. Instead they cry about "FERPA" and stonewall. If Ray Felton , for example , says he'll release his transcripts , that info can be released. He won't do it just like the others won't and we all know why. On a related note....knowing full-well that if Nyangoro and Crowder refused to speak with the NCAA , unc would automatically be hit with TWO LEVEL I INFRACTIONS , unc chose that path over cooperation. Speaks volumes. Give it up , dude. All this "transparency" Folt speaks of is PR bs. The LAST thing unc wants is "transparency. Why doesn't unc sue Dan Kane , Paul Barrett , Sara Ganim et al? Ya think unc wants people testifying in open court? lol. unc's guilty as heck of the most egregious case of cheating in NCAA history. True , they could still skate. Doesn't matter. You know ( and so does everyone else! ) what the truth is. Apologies to UK fans for interjecting here but reading these lame-arse rationalizations from unc fans begged a response.
Excellent post DevilDj. I have read your running account of the scandal on the Duke board and you have done a great job of keeping your fans informed.
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Hang around DJ. They gravitate to this board like moths to a flame.
Just think of all the recruiting juice Carolina will get when they become the first team ever to pass the 2000 win plateau TWICE! Could even say three times if you count going both ways.
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He didn't speak with NCAA investigators because the first thing they do is turn that interview over to unc. No way the truth is revealed sharing incriminating evidence with the exact same party that committed the infractions to begin with! Duh. It plays right into unc's hands for Rashad to speak with the NCAA. unc could do what they've been doing for the last 4+ years....spin , lie and obfuscate. No matter how crazy he may seem , Rashad can say or do anything. All ya need to know about the guy is this...he released his transcripts and no one else on that team would. Willingham has said it from the get-go. "The truth is in the transcripts." Take the transcripts belonging to unc players and take a list of the fraudulent ( not "easy"....FRAUDULENT! ) courses and re-calculate the GPA's. Then decide who was academically eligible and who wasn't. Easy enough. Ask yourself this. If all unc had to do was publicly release those transcripts to clear their name , don't ya think they'd do it? They've spent MILLIONS on PR and lawyers. Releasing those transcripts cost NOTHING. Yet unc refuses to do it. Instead they cry about "FERPA" and stonewall. If Ray Felton , for example , says he'll release his transcripts , that info can be released. He won't do it just like the others won't and we all know why. On a related note....knowing full-well that if Nyangoro and Crowder refused to speak with the NCAA , unc would automatically be hit with TWO LEVEL I INFRACTIONS , unc chose that path over cooperation. Speaks volumes. Give it up , dude. All this "transparency" Folt speaks of is PR bs. The LAST thing unc wants is "transparency. Why doesn't unc sue Dan Kane , Paul Barrett , Sara Ganim et al? Ya think unc wants people testifying in open court? lol. unc's guilty as heck of the most egregious case of cheating in NCAA history. True , they could still skate. Doesn't matter. You know ( and so does everyone else! ) what the truth is. Apologies to UK fans for interjecting here but reading these lame-arse rationalizations from unc fans begged a response.

My god, a Duke fan I might actually like.

What's the world coming to. Next thing you know, it will be dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!!

(Sorry, Ghost Busters)
I hope that programs dies a slow painful, and agonizing death !! OH wait they didn't do anything wrong did they , that was just the Carolina Way !!l lol my bad please forgive me !!
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that's like chinese food - its leave you empty after about an hour.

I want to see anguish in the eyes of Carolina basketball fans
Yes times infinity, whining and gnashing of teeth, the whole bit,and on Sports Illustrated, but I'll stay tuned,,,,waiting:popcorn:
Really, that's the best you can do? Hell, an Indiana or Louisville Grad could come up with something more original than that...that's an insult by the way.

they actually got an education when they went to school
A lot of posters on here weren't alive the last time UK was on probation in basketball. On the other hand, you have been cheating that entire time.

I found a list off all basketball probations up through the 2011-2012 season, and added in teams currently on probation. May be missing a couple if anybody got put on probation starting in 2012 or 2013 and are already off. There have been at least 98 division 1 basketball teams put on probation since Kentucky was last sanctioned, with at least 117 individual sanctions (some teams have 2 or 3).