Right now each of the power 5 get 80 million of the top . So take PAC 12 out .
But what about the SEC and BIG . Do they agree to equal splits with ACC And Big 12 ? Why should they ?
My guess is it will be a real problem and we may end up with a BIG AND SEC champion and a minor league champion from the ACC and Big 12 and other conferences .
Isn’t an 9/3 record in the SEC better than a 10/2 or even 11/1 record in the ACC ? How to have half way fair playoffs will be debated to the cows come home.
of course that’s not really the question. The only determining factor will be how the big dogs can make the most MONEY .
But what about the SEC and BIG . Do they agree to equal splits with ACC And Big 12 ? Why should they ?
My guess is it will be a real problem and we may end up with a BIG AND SEC champion and a minor league champion from the ACC and Big 12 and other conferences .
Isn’t an 9/3 record in the SEC better than a 10/2 or even 11/1 record in the ACC ? How to have half way fair playoffs will be debated to the cows come home.
of course that’s not really the question. The only determining factor will be how the big dogs can make the most MONEY .