There have been players in the past and probably some on this team that didn't like the obsessive nature of our fans, but picked UK anyway because they knew it was the best place for them to become a star.
Yes, scrutiny from fans is one of the few downsides that comes with the honestly sweet gig that is being a Kentucky basketball player, but all players should be accountable enough not to blame fans for the decision they make when deciding where to attend college if they're actually a serious person that's concerned about their future in the sport. Do they not think that there will be even MORE pressure from NBA owners, coaches, GM's, and fans? For as bad of a rap as we mostly deserve, we don't have a thing on NBA fans in terms of outright harshness. Most of these guys might as well have an aggressive mindset and choose some where that will prepare them for that ASAP.
And as much as our fans are rough on guys that under perform, most of us do at least give our guys props when they over perform expectations like in Derek Willis' case (even though some on here still refuse to say a kind word about him, but to me the dude is giving it all he's got and at least giving us something, that's all I truly ask as a fan).