Snowmageddon coming

L Butler

Jul 8, 2007
Get your milk and bread. Biggest snow storm in 10 years here in Louisville. (So they say)

This post was edited on 2/15 2:53 PM by L Butler
Columbia, Ky is gonna get hit hard by this storm. National Weather Service has Columbia at 12+ inches. Wave 3 gives us 10-15 inches. Either way, I'm screwed. Good thing is the storm won't come till later on tonight(3-4am) and probably have morning classes, and afternoon classes will be cancelled.

Stay safe everyone!
Giving up to 14" accumulation here. I guess if it's gonna be cold, might as well have Snowmaggedon.
Picked up some salt at the store today. With fluffy snow coming, will putting some down tonight help with removal tomorrow? Don't want to waste it if it won't work.
I'll bet anyone a cup of coffee it's not nearly as bad (or good depending on your perspective) as the weather people are predicting.

Nothing ticks me off more than when weather people say we're going to get the biggest snow in history, then get only a few inches. There should be a law against overstating the weather forecast!
Im cool with a half foot of snow here in Louisville as long as we dont get the ice they are talking about in Little Rock/Memphis/Charlotte. So I guess I am thankful it is so damn cold out.

This post was edited on 2/15 5:12 PM by GYERater
Checked out my weather app on my phone, Wave 3, and the National Weather Service, and they all give 10-18 inches for my area. Who knows, last year during "snowmageddon 2014" my area was supposed to get over a foot of snow, but we only got a dusting.
Depends on who you watch...

Here are the forecasts from several websites for Lexington:

Total snow predictions through Tuesday morning. ~ 4-8"
WLEX18 ~ 7-11"
WKYT27 ~ 8-14" ~ 9-15"
WTVQ36 ~ 8-10" ~ 10-18"

Someone has to get it right, if they're all different, I guess. I'm sure there are several more websites I'm unaware of that have varying amounts as well.
I'd much rather them give a realistic forecast...say like 3-4 inches. If we get 14, that's like getting a pony for Christmas!
Often, when they call for a lot of snow in my area it turns out to be rain or sleet. But this time may be different because of how cold it is. It looks like I'm close to the line between sleet and snow according to the weather channel, so fingers crossed.
This post was edited on 2/15 7:08 PM by Anthony B
Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Picked up some salt at the store today. With fluffy snow coming, will putting some down tonight help with removal tomorrow? Don't want to waste it if it won't work.
Funky, salt basically just lowers the freezing point of water, so it is good to lay out plenty of it before you are hit with ice or sleet, but before snow not so much. After you remove most of it from your steps or sidewalk, then put the salt down to melt the hard to remove stuff at the bottom if there is any. With the temps being way down I think this snow will be powdery and easy to remove.
Ready for 12-18 inches in Somerset. Got a few items today at Kroger. More concerned about keeping power as this snow could be very wet. Have no backup gas or wood heat. Looks like Ill have to burn a couple vacation days and stay off the roads.
Feel bad for ya'll. I spent all day at Rocco's Tacos in Orlando drinking beer near the lake in 70 degree weather. Felt like Hawaii today. Absolutely awesome.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Feel bad for ya'll. I spent all day at Rocco's Tacos in Orlando drinking beer near the lake in 70 degree weather. Felt like Hawaii today. Absolutely awesome.
^^ One of the main reasons I have not yet relocated back there. Crap, I just returned from a 7.2 mile hike to Whole Foods - Domain and back, and worked up a good sweat humping my latest beer haul.

Called my daughter an hour ago. Told her to take care on the roads. She's working tonight.
Getting to work in the morning should be a blast!

And may not even be able to attempt getting home.
Record breaking cold temperatures and lots of snow and no school for kids across many parts of the state for at least all this week and possibly the whole week after that. Kids won't be going to school till it warms up and the snow melts across many Kentucky communities.
It been in the low 60s out here. I don't remember Idaho having this kind of weather in February. It's GREAT!!! Normally we're the ones with the cold and snow this time of year.
The Lord Jesus Christ is blessing Ida with great weather!!!! Hallilooyah!!!

Austin- when you retire, you can move back.
Lindsey Wilson hasn't cancelled their classes yet. Campbellsville University, which is 20 minutes away, is. Been checking my email and going to the college's home page ever half hour to check.

EDIT: UofL is closed tomorrow. This is gonna be a big one.
This post was edited on 2/15 9:19 PM by UK Widget
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Feel bad for ya'll. I spent all day at Rocco's Tacos in Orlando drinking beer near the lake in 70 degree weather. Felt like Hawaii today. Absolutely awesome.
Thanks, Willy. You may now go to hell.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
The Lord Jesus Christ is blessing Ida with great weather!!!! Hallilooyah!!!
Praaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzze GEEEZUUUSSS!!!!!!
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Feel bad for ya'll. I spent all day at Rocco's Tacos in Orlando drinking beer near the lake in 70 degree weather. Felt like Hawaii today. Absolutely awesome.
Wanted to go to the Bud Duel but decided it would be warmer watching it at home then sitting there with the temperature 33 Thursday night in Daytona.
Lindsey Wilson is closed. Many more colleges in Kentucky are closed. Never really seen colleges closed due to anticipation. I would lmao if I only get a dusting.
Originally posted by UK_Norm:
Getting to work in the morning should be a blast!

And may not even be able to attempt getting home.
Learn adverse weather day
Originally posted by Beavis606:

Originally posted by AustinTXCat:

Hello new craft brewery on the Tri-states border. Winters in FL and Texas.
False. You won't last long on that sissy bike. Too many coal trucks.
Ok, just got out of the shower. I have an idea and have had forever. Tons of local potential in the area, sissy bike excluded. I may begin soliciting investors as soon as April this year. Seriously. Must EDIT.

This post was edited on 2/16 12:00 AM by AustinTXCat
Originally posted by AustinTXCat:
Originally posted by Willy4UK:
Feel bad for ya'll. I spent all day at Rocco's Tacos in Orlando drinking beer near the lake in 70 degree weather. Felt like Hawaii today. Absolutely awesome.
^^ One of the main reasons I have not yet relocated back there. Crap, I just returned from a 7.2 mile hike to Whole Foods - Domain and back, and worked up a good sweat humping my latest beer haul.

Called my daughter an hour ago. Told her to take care on the roads. She's working tonight.
ATC - I have been back in KY for almost nine years but spent six living in Austin; I still get back there a couple times a year.

Last visit I was in the Domain Whole Foods drinking wine and eating pizza at midnight...Austin is one of the best places in the country to live.

BTW - we are targeted to get 8-12 here in Shelby County, KY...according to the NWS.

I would love 70 degrees right about now - supposed to be 10 below or worse here on Friday wind chill
All I know, is Bill Meck has a raging snow boner. He was completely anxious to get the SNL special over so he could have his own weather special. He broke into every commercial break.
Originally posted by GonzoCat90:
Originally posted by UK Widget:

Originally posted by GonzoCat90:

Widget, do we know each other? I graduated in December 2012.
I'm only a freshman
What's your twitter handle? I'll give you a follow if I don't already.
Do have a Twitter, but I don't use it at all, been like that for about a year. Hated the 140 characters crap, and got involved with too much drama.
Originally posted by ram1955:

I'll bet anyone a cup of coffee it's not nearly as bad (or good depending on your perspective) as the weather people are predicting.

Nothing ticks me off more than when weather people say we're going to get the biggest snow in history, then get only a few inches. There should be a law against overstating the weather forecast!
This was a relatively easy call. It's plenty cold, so you know that the precipitation that falls is going to be snow (at least in the Lexington area), So often, if a storm drifts a little to the north or south, it makes a big difference as to who gets rain and who gets snow. We're usually sitting on the rain/snow line in these parts. Also, Lexington is smack-dab in the middle of what is almost certain to be a lengthy period of precipitation. There may be some doubt as to how much in outlying areas which can lead to inaccurate forecasting, but when you're in the sweet spot, the precipitation is virtually guaranteed.

So my point is...I like my coffee black.

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