Slightly OT: outrageous prices at sporting events.

We still go to a lot of concerts every year, both stadium level and small club level and a few sporting events each yr-nothing is cheap anymore, but I love live music and probably always will- if u drink alcohol, most places let you take an unsealed water bottle (which they never check) into the venue- to save a few $$, empty the water and put in your favorite clear liquid and just buy your mixer at the event- helps a little bit
full throttle saloon kitchen GIF

Unless Giada DeLaurentis is hand making those wings and pizza in the VIP box that's absolutely highway robbery.

Shes a very underrated hot celeb. Or rather, naturally beautiful.
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We still go to a lot of concerts every year, both stadium level and small club level and a few sporting events each yr-nothing is cheap anymore, but I love live music and probably always will- if u drink alcohol, most places let you take an unsealed water bottle (which they never check) into the venue- to save a few $$, empty the water and put in your favorite clear liquid and just buy your mixer at the event- helps a little bit
What is this "chaser" you speak of? 😉
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I grew up attending sporting events and my folks were frugal (and never broke). We always used to eat a full meal before the game (usually at home), drink water from the free fountain during the game and eat again after the game if needed.

Even as an adult, I take the same approach. Stadium/arena food is overpriced, usually very mediocre and I hate the idea of being a captive customer. I don’t mind to pay top dollar for good eats. I refuse to pay top dollar for BS.
Sports gets nothing from me. I don't partake. I watch but I don't feed the monster. Why?
The monster is big and fat.

Zero bucks.
I'm the same with some companies too. I don't buy anything they produce. That way I wash my hands of the problems they make.

"I had nothing to do with it" is my got damn motto nowadays.
Wash your hands of giving money and/or power and turn your back.

You can deal with reality better when your not complicit. Truly.
If people would stop paying the outrages prices, we wouldn't have the outrageous prices. Unfortunately, people have more money than they do common sense, even in a crappy economy.
Seriously? $9 bucks for a Coke? I know I haven't been to Rupp for a game in a millennium but dang! What's a hot dog? $20?
Not sure about a hot dog. Quit buying concessions here and bring my own stuff. Yes, for real, Coke is now $9 at Rupp. Same exact Coke is $6 at Memorial.
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There has to be more to this. For starters, how many pizzas and how many tendies? It leads us to believe that this was just enough food for a couple people. I know It says 1 on the receipt, but those are just keystrokes. Maybe there were 20 people in that suite and the pizza and chicken was bottomless. We don’t know. I don’t make assumptions and Occam’s razor usually wins out.

Need more info
Here’s the menu. Supposedly those chicken tenders should feed 10 people (I’m counting about 10 tenders in the photo), and the menu says 1 pepperoni pizza and 1 cheese pizza should feed 10 people. 😂
Here’s the menu. Supposedly those chicken tenders should feed 10 people (I’m counting about 10 tenders in the photo), and the menu says 1 pepperoni pizza and 1 cheese pizza should feed 10 people. 😂
This is madness. There’s only one scenario where this even remotely makes sense and that’s if the price of the suite was reflected in the food prices. But that’s probably not the case.

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