Slighly OT: Alabama Considering Making NIL Earnings Exempt from Taxes

So are doctors not successful? Police officers? Firefighters? Veterans? Are we going to say some people are better than others because they are worth more? That's a really Machiavellian thought if that's what you're driving at.
None of the above are in the entertainment industry. Kinda an apple and orange thing. Love sports but it is just a vehicle to entertain the masses!!
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In practice this seems more like a publicity stunt than an actual recruiting advantage. Florida, Tennessee and Texas already don't have state income taxes. Maybe Georgia and Alabama have specific examples of recruits picking schools from those states over them because of the income tax discrepancy??? I doubt it.
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No it isn't. It's INCOME. Doesn't matter where it comes from. Everyone should be taxed or no one should be.
I was meaning no one goes to a stadium to watch any of the dr, police. People want them around but don’t pay to watch them. I think these players have been getting paid just we know more now.
As a finance professional, this is really bad form and a horrible proposition for the people of Alabama. Professionals are taxed; what's the arguing for not taxing NIL?
The argument is this: Anything that helps Bama win is always a good thing!

No deeper analysis needed.
We have already been there for a long time. Every person making (or that has made) a fat salary from the government, an NGO, or other form of agency that is (in)directly funded by the government is part of the oligarchy.
I agree with your point, but I'm not sure your examples are actually ones that work. 50% of my salary is paid through a grant from the U.S. government, and I don't think I am part of the oligarchy.
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Perhaps they believe that being successful is worth more than the tax? UK and other schools being successful in sports is worth more to the state by driving commerce than a few extra million in tax revenue would be.
Yeah I am sure it is that. I highly doubt many of those legislators went to an Alabama school. It is a recruiting ploy plain and simple.

Lol. So, these VERY privileged individuals are now going to be able to making potentially millions and NO tax to the state.

What a giant middle finger to every person in that state that busts their ass at a manufacturing job, or teaching, or nursing, or any other "real" job (making WAAAAY less more than likely). But have to pay their fair share.

I really hate where some things are going man. Laws keep making a caste system and we only need look to India to see how shitty that is.

I'm against this on principle. Any thoughts? It would be one thing to exempt EVERYONE. But create a special class of people that are above the system? That's crap.
I live in Alabama and they tax my groceries if they do this it is a slap in the face to every Alabama taxpayer.
I know this isn't the players' fault (even though they sure will exploit it), but if anyone here thinks the players actually care about anyone else but their money and fame, I don't know what to tell you.

Lol. So, these VERY privileged individuals are now going to be able to making potentially millions and NO tax to the state.

What a giant middle finger to every person in that state that busts their ass at a manufacturing job, or teaching, or nursing, or any other "real" job (making WAAAAY less more than likely). But have to pay their fair share.

I really hate where some things are going man. Laws keep making a caste system and we only need look to India to see how shitty that is.

I'm against this on principle. Any thoughts? It would be one thing to exempt EVERYONE. But create a special class of people that are above the system? That's crap.
That’s what they do best, exempt people who don’t need it.
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The issue is that they are still taxing everyone else’s income but they are not going to tax an 18-21 YO who won’t be adding a great deal to the economy. If they want to get rid of income tax for every one and go with a consumption tax like Florida, have at it. I am all in on that.
That’s what they do best, exempt people who don’t need it.
Reminds me of a Charles Barkley story from years ago.

He said he rarely pays for meals now. Gets free dinners almost everywhere he goes. And he can pay. But when he was broke he couldn’t get a meal anywhere. 😆
I think that the government should make clear whether NIL is earned income by employee-athletes of a college or a gift to an non-employee of a college who happens to play a sport. Taxes on earned income is paid by the person receiving the money. Taxes on gifts are paid by the giver. As of January 1, 2025, each person in the United States can give 13.99 million dollars total lifetime before having to pay the gift tax. However, each giver can gift $19,000 a year to an individual (no limit on number of persons gifted) that doesn't count against the lifetime gift tax exemption. If you gave one person $30,000 in 2025, The $11,000 ( $30,000 - $19,000) would count against your lifetime limit. A husband and wife could give someone $30,000 without triggering the limit as each could claim $15,000 of the amount. For example, someone like Bill Gates or Elon Musk could give 1,000 people $19,000 each for a total of 19 million dollars, and it wouldn't count against Gates or Musk's lifetime gift limit of 13.99 million dollar lifetime tax free gift exemption. So, are college athletes employees of the university earning a wage or is NIL a gift? The IRS needs to decide this.
They want sports to be able to leverage it. "Don't play at Kentucky. They'll tax you!"

Slimy in my opinion.
Yeah. It’s a recruiting tool. No doubt response to Florida, Tennessee, Texas already being tax free
I live in Alabama and they tax my groceries if they do this it is a slap in the face to every Alabama taxpayer.
Sales tax is the proper way to tax….especially if they exempt certain items such as diapers/baby formula/feminine hygiene products, produce. Income tax is criminal. I’d rather pay a tax on what I personally consume as an individual vs have my paycheck cut by 1/3 to go to things I rarely directly see. They’ll say “roads and schools” but if that was the case it wouldn’t take 20 years to do basic highway construction.
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Lol. So, these VERY privileged individuals are now going to be able to making potentially millions and NO tax to the state.

What a giant middle finger to every person in that state that busts their ass at a manufacturing job, or teaching, or nursing, or any other "real" job (making WAAAAY less more than likely). But have to pay their fair share.

I really hate where some things are going man. Laws keep making a caste system and we only need look to India to see how shitty that is.

I'm against this on principle. Any thoughts? It would be one thing to exempt EVERYONE. But create a special class of people that are above the system? That's crap.
I hope whoever proposed this gets voted out next election, but I don't have much hope of that. Needless to say this is an unjust proposal. I feel similarly about the use of NIL contributions being "charitable donations" for the wealthy people paying into them.

I know the idea of "student athlete" has been a joke for a while now, but it's certainly a disservice to these kids' education to pay them without taxing them.
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Sales tax is the proper way to tax….especially if they exempt certain items such as diapers/baby formula/feminine hygiene products, produce. Income tax is criminal. I’d rather pay a tax on what I personally consume as an individual vs have my paycheck cut by 1/3 to go to things I rarely directly see. They’ll say “roads and schools” but if that was the case it wouldn’t take 20 years to do basic highway construction.
Sales tax results in lower income people paying a higher tax rate, I've never understood how people see that and claim it's more ethical than income tax. I'm more sympathetic to a flat income tax than to abolishing income tax in favor of sales tax.
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Isn't Alabama one of the poorest states in the USA and didn't they refuse to expand medicaid for their many uninsured residents? We better hope the food supply doesn't get too short or these rich mfers will be eating US.
Isn't Alabama one of the poorest states in the USA and didn't they refuse to expand medicaid for their many uninsured residents? We better hope the food supply doesn't get too short or these rich mfers will be eating US.

It'll be the other way around. We FAR out number the rich in this country. What we're headed for is France, July 1789.

1. Economic Distress: Getting There- food prices in France grew astronomically leading up to the French Revolution (look around
2. The Estate System: Pretty much there just different names Instead of the Clergy it's Political Class; Nobility still exists we just call them upper class, and the Third Estate still exists- it's all of us regular folks fighting daily to get by.
3. Focus on Individual rights- that's still a topic today- how do our rights work within an ever growing government and widening class gap.

It's actually a bit scary when you think about it.
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We have already been there for a long time. Every person making (or that has made) a fat salary from the government, an NGO, or other form of agency that is (in)directly funded by the government is part of the oligarchy.
Well, every citizen who lives in an oligarchy is part of one but there is kind of a difference between the ones in control of an oligarchy and the ones with the boots on their necks.
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It'll be the other way around. We FAR out number the rich in this country. What we're headed for is France, July 1789.
The French oligarchs didn't have planes and missiles and nukes to defend themselves...yeah it is scary.
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