Simple question-Does BBN want a new coach ?

Cal's a species-ist...always talking up his dogs, but never a mention of his cat. And all cuddled up w/ the dogs on the couch while the cat's forced to watch from the stairs...Cat and cat lovers alike should be calling him out...
He won't talk about what he can't get.
Should have been fired for 9-16 season.
I’ll give him the 9-16 season. He should’ve been fired when he followed that up with that disgraceful end to the next season and first round lose as a 2 seed
This is the answer. At this point he's done real damage that will take awhile to be undone. If it ever can be.
It can be fixed quickly with the right coach. I say we make Hurley an 75 million dollar deal over 8 years and see if that tempts him.
So many "Cat fans" I run into don't know anything about the team. They don't know the coach's name, they can't remember when we last won a title. I think a lot of people who go to the games are there for social reasons, not because of their support for the Cats. I mean, WTH else is there to do around Lexington on a typical game night?
I remember when teams playing UK were literally scared to play us.. Just the UK name itself was good for 10-15 points.. Now even D2 teams believe they can beat us and have.. Now we have a bunch of gosh dagumit fans that think well we'll get em next game mentality..
It can be fixed quickly with the right coach. I say we make Hurley an 75 million dollar deal over 8 years and see if that tempts him.

Oh heeeeeeellllll no..... Lessen the pot AND time... The time at least
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I remember when teams playing UK were literally scared to play us.. Just the UK name itself was good for 10-15 points.. Now even D2 teams believe they can beat us and have.. Now we have a bunch of gosh dagumit fans that think well we'll get em next game mentality..
Sadly, my grandparents were that way. They loved watching the game, but if we won it was "boooooy, those Cats sure are good..." and if we lost it was "I'm sure Cal Ee Pear Ee will have them ready the next game"
It can be fixed quickly with the right coach. I say we make Hurley an 75 million dollar deal over 8 years and see if that tempts him.
I'm talking about more than just wins and losses. He's changed the reputation of the program and that won't be as easily fixed. It might never be.