Silver says, NBA looking at impact of too many 3’s

this thread is hilarious, we took a ton of 3's in the 90's , none of you complained. we and like a bunch of the other top 40 teams are taking a lot of 3's and no one is complaining unless its like UNC fans and rightfully so complaining about taking a ton of 3's when they cant shoot so its a ton of misses.

The only answer, the simple answer is that back 2 back games, games every other day is too often , what makes football special is that its a game a week, there are only umpteen games a season so absence makes the heart grow fonder. if the NBA doesnt want to cut some games off the schedule, widen the season out a month or so to where its a game twice a week . if you dont want the season being extremely long , make the playoffs all best of 3 then best of 5's and cut out the best of 7. lets be honest, best of 7 is just a "what they're still playing, dayum this is taking forever"
lets be honest, best of 7 is just a "what they're still playing, dayum this is taking forever"
Nailed it. I swear there's already four months of best of seven series. And non of those 6,000 games start until there's 5:00 left in the 4th. Then there's 25 timeouts in that 5:00. The last 5:00 has the flow of a football game. One play every minute.
this thread is hilarious, we took a ton of 3's in the 90's , none of you complained. we and like a bunch of the other top 40 teams are taking a lot of 3's and no one is complaining unless its like UNC fans and rightfully so complaining about taking a ton of 3's when they cant shoot so its a ton of misses.

The only answer, the simple answer is that back 2 back games, games every other day is too often , what makes football special is that its a game a week, there are only umpteen games a season so absence makes the heart grow fonder. if the NBA doesnt want to cut some games off the schedule, widen the season out a month or so to where its a game twice a week . if you dont want the season being extremely long , make the playoffs all best of 3 then best of 5's and cut out the best of 7. lets be honest, best of 7 is just a "what they're still playing, dayum this is taking forever"

I kinda of agree. Best of 7 should be for the Finals only. Rest should be best of three or five. I like Best of 7 for the last two teams standing. Extends the fun a bit and makes it where a fluke game doesn’t cost either team.
Here's another dumb, outside the box, idea; make a dunk worth 4 pts. Maybe tweak it so it's only 4 pts if all five players are across half court. Again, just spit balling.
Give the players coins. When a player gets dunked on his coins come flying out and the dunking player can collect them. If you get 100 coins YOU GET TO LIVE AN ENTIRE EXTRA LIFE.

That would really change the incentives.
Something will be changed because the league is tanking in viewership

I don't think it has anything to do with 3's. It has more to do:

1. Making the game fake with all the lights, colors, & a floor that does not look like a basketball floor..seems like a circus & has lost the feeling of a basketball game.

2. No one plays hard until the 4th quarter & the playoffs. Shorten the freaking season.

3. Quit paying guys $300,000,000 contracts. These guys think they're kings.

4. Quit raising ticket prices & making games pay per view. Inflation is real & people ain't doing that crap.

Why in the world they think it has to do with 3's is beyond me & is probably why it's dying. They're discernment meter is broken. It's basketball not football.
I don't think it has anything to do with 3's. It has more to do:

1. Making the game fake with all the lights, colors, & a floor that does not look like a basketball floor..seems like a circus & has lost the feeling of a basketball game.

2. No one plays hard until the 4th quarter & the playoffs. Shorten the freaking season.

3. Quit paying guys $300,000,000 contracts. These guys think they're kings.

4. Quit raising ticket prices & making games pay per view. Inflation is real & people ain't doing that crap.

Why in the world they think it has to do with 3's is beyond me & is probably why it's dying. They're discernment meter is broken. It's better basketball not football.
The reason why is a lot of long time fans are literally telling the league they thing the three point shooting has become too much. It has made almost every nba possession look virtually the same
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The reason why is a lot of long time fans are literally telling the league they thing the three point shooting has become too much. It has made almost every nba possession look virtually the same

I'm sure it's not common fans but old school informants. Or maybe some football fans that only like really ugly & physical basketball games. I'd rather chop wood than watch that kind of basketball.

EDIT: I like the kind of basketball that forces you to work on your trade in a basketball gym & not just reward you for natural athleticism you're born with or your time in the weight room. If you can't shoot or dribble a basketball & it's your profession you're just lazy & have no business in the league.
I mean they've moved it back before. Why keep doing it? And why are 3's a problem to deal with? It's fun to watch!

Why the desire to make the game ugly??
Actually, they are boring, except to the fan of the team that makes them.
Think about it, you move back a few feet, maybe even inches, and the shot is worth 50% more. That just doesn't seem right.
At each arena, cordon off a section of the stands close to each basket. Those seats cost extra. Each of those seats includes a rifle and bean bag ammo. Three bean bags per rifle.

Anyone sitting in those seats are allowed to shoot at the ball on a three point attempt. Or they can shoot at the shooter on a 3.

Problem solved, plus teaches kids about shooting a rifle.
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I don't think it has anything to do with 3's. It has more to do:

1. Making the game fake with all the lights, colors, & a floor that does not look like a basketball floor..seems like a circus & has lost the feeling of a basketball game.

2. No one plays hard until the 4th quarter & the playoffs. Shorten the freaking season.

3. Quit paying guys $300,000,000 contracts. These guys think they're kings.

4. Quit raising ticket prices & making games pay per view. Inflation is real & people ain't doing that crap.

Why in the world they think it has to do with 3's is beyond me & is probably why it's dying. They're discernment meter is broken. It's basketball not football.
Those are valid points.
But the 3's are part of the reason, not 3's by themselves, but the lack of variety in the ways players score, which is a result of the huge # of 3's now shot.
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Part of the problem with the NBA is the college farm system. Players used to play 3 or 4 years at the same school. Fans at the college level developed a following for that player that often carried into the NBA. They might tune in just to see that player develop in the NBA too.
Between the portal and one and done.... the fans can't even remember the player's names the following year. It has created a disconnect between the fans and the players at some level.... Especially for the casual NBA viewer.
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I think there's a lot the NBA can do to fix the issue. One thing I would like to see is the NBA shorten the season. To make the playoffs more competitive they should eliminate series and make the playoffs bigger, and make it just like the NCAA tournament, one loss and you're out.
I'd love that but by eliminating the series you're messing with their money. Lost ad revenue, TV contracts, etc...never happen.
So Adam Silver has recently said that the league is looking at how the game has been affected by teams increasing their volume of 3’s. Look no further than Boston C’s…

I have a crazy message board solution to this problem. Make any basket assisted from beyond half court worth an extra point. 3’s & 2’s become 4’s & 3’s. Max 3 free throws.
Reality is, you don’t even need the assist thing.

1) If you just change the value of a 2 and 3 to 3 and 4 respectively, it changes the math that makes 3s 34% more valuable to only 25% more valuable, thus increasing the percentage a team would need to shoot from 3 to equal efficiency from 2.

Currently 33% from 3 is equal to 50% from 2.
The simple math change would make teams have to shoot 37.5% or better from “4”(3) to equal 50% from “3” (2). It’s significantly harder to shoot above 37% as a team on a consistent basis. That alone would rebalance the ratio of 2 to 3s and encourage the onside game returning.

2) Other solutions are not doing the shorter corner 3. Just letting the 3pt line run out of bounds so ir lessens the surface area worth 3 points. If you move the 3point line back another foot and remove the shortened corner 3…. You’d see a similar impact bc it would be harder to run offense to get the top of the key look on a consistent basis.
Or this schedule:
Shots in the paint - 2 points
Shots from between the paint and the arc - 3 points
Shots from beyond the arc - 4 points
And start calling walks and carrying the ball!!!!

If these kids had to actually play the game how the rules were intended, it would make it WAY MORE popular!!
Yes, absolutely get rid of the gathering step, it’s just legalized traveling.
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At each arena, cordon off a section of the stands close to each basket. Those seats cost extra. Each of those seats includes a rifle and bean bag ammo. Three bean bags per rifle.

Anyone sitting in those seats are allowed to shoot at the ball on a three point attempt. Or they can shoot at the shooter on a 3.

Problem solved, plus teaches kids about shooting a rifle.

[laughing] [laughing] 🌲 🌲

Yes yes PLEASE make it so
It's pretty simple. I don't even think it's the style of the game, that may play a factor, but the major factor is streaming exclusives and blackouts. Same issue the MLB has. Why are we gatekeeping games from people to make a few extra bucks? The NBA has been pricing out the average fan for a while. Belittle your consumer and eventually they'll tell you to **** off.
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It's pretty simple. I don't even think it's the style of the game, that may play a factor, but the major factor is streaming exclusives and blackouts. Same issue the MLB has. Why are we gatekeeping games from people to make a few extra bucks? The NBA has been pricing out the average fan for a while. Belittle your consumer and eventually they'll tell you to **** off.
As a 25+ year NBA fan, I can tell you the blackouts aren’t new though. There is definitely some validity to fans’ criticism about the state of the league itself
Well, my dear fellow, there are, in fact, only so many threes the scorekeeper can count in the course of an evening….

Allow more physical defense. That would help a great deal. The problem, in my opinion, isn’t the threes, but rather that a team can get as many threes as they want
Hand checking needs to return. Let the defender have a chance to guard sgain, if they wanna shoot 3’s fine but let them get in their grills and check them all game. It would make players who can create like Durant that much more valuable again.
Hand checking needs to return. Let the defender have a chance to guard sgain, if they wanna shoot 3’s fine but let them get in their grills and check them all game. It would make players who can create like Durant that much more valuable again.
I couldn’t agree more. When you see how hard dudes are having to work for a bucket, it adds to the weight of the game. It just feels like a bigger deal and feels more important. I think of it like comparing the grittiness of WWF Attitude era in the late 90s to WWE in about 2016-2019. With everything being shinier, prettier, more aesthetically pleasing but the soul is missing.
For the NBA eficianados, would the Elam Ending make any significant impact on the gameplay night in and night out?
Not really because they tank so many losses by not playing people it wouldn’t matter IMO. Most games are blowouts anymore. Some team hits 25 3’s the other hits 10 and it’s over.
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One loss and done is a horrible idea for most sports. It lessens the odds of "the best team" winning the championship significantly.
Actually, the NCAA should really consider a best 2 of 3 for the F4, maybe even the E8.

I guess the question becomes really how often do you want the best team winning the title?

In Europe with soccer leagues, there are no playoffs. You play everyone twice in a perfectly balanced scheduled. Team that has the most points is the champion.

In that scenario, the best team does win all the time.

The problem is you just keep getting repeat champions.

I think for most, that's boring. I'm not sure the general sports fan wants to see the same teams winning every year.

So then it becomes a question of how often should the best team win? I think most would say more often than not but no where near 100% of the time.

I think the NCAA favorite going into the tournament usually gets 25-35% odds maybe? Is that too low? I don't know.

I like the one and done nature. I think it keeps more fanbases involved longer.
I think one idea that would help generate interest, and it has nothing to do with the product on the floor, is it have a relegation system similar to European Soccer leagues.

Have a lower division, similar to the G League, and at the end of the year the worst two teams are relegated, and the top two teams from the lower division are promoted.

Will never happen, but it keeps every franchise invested in the season.
Allow more physical defense. That would help a great deal. The problem, in my opinion, isn’t the threes, but rather that a team can get as many threes as they want
Yeah I miss the days when games were 71-70. SMH...

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