SIAP: Mark Pope Shows Love for Calipari

Its called being civil & professional. Plus Coach Pope has been telling the story about stopping to talk to Tubby and Cal at the Final Four. Said they had always been nice to him and he respected them both.

Cal has also been civil & professional to Pope and UK since the divorce.

Message boards and real life don't mirror each other in terms of how people treat each other publicly.
I think Coach Pope, besides loving Kentucky it’s also a wise man. You can’t go wrong asking advice from Coach Pitino or being gracious to Coach Cal and Coach Smith.

So far he checked all the “intangible” boxes in my book since he accepted the job as the head Coach at. University of Kentucky: great enthusiasm, relentless energy in recruiting players and assistant coaches according to his vision and philosophy of playing basketball, perfect introduction, great acknowledgment of Kentucky tradition and predecessor, great media appearances ,etc. I think besides all that he understands the Kentucky fan psychology which to me can be a great asset on rebuilding the program.

I am not going to have high expectations for the first year. I think year 2 and especially 3 should be a lot of fun.
Never read anything but the first post in this thread. By showing love and respect to anyone with ill-will or bad intentions you heap coals of fire on their head. IF Coach Cal's intentions were nefarious toward Kentucky, Coach Pope has actually slapped Cal across the face multiple times and vilified him. IF Coach Cal's intents were sincere, this will help Cal going forward and has reinforced Coach Pope's "properness" for this job at this time. Coach Pope is a winner regardless...
Here's the link: Mark Pope Shows Love for Calipari

I'd be interested in hearing the reactions of various posters: people who hate Cal, people who love Cal, people with mixed feelings about Cal, etc.
Calipari is a man who was hired to do a job at the University of Kentucky. For nine years he succeeded at the highest level in the sport. For the last five he struggled. UK fans should be glad that Calipari came when he did, because no other coach in the country could have done what he did when he did it. Coach Pope should be glad Calipari left when he did, because it allowed the opportunity for him to get the job and to build a team from the portal in ways that would not have been possible before. Calipari was going to leave a cupboard bare when he left, which every UK fan knew. There is no reason for Coach Pope or Kentucky fans to say anything negative about how the events have played out over the last month and a half.

Coach Pope, I'm assuming, should have nothing against John Calipari. Calipari's biggest problem was being all about himself. That worked for nine years and failed for five. Let's move on and watch the new regime destroy Arkansas basketball on and off the court (in recruiting).
All of our ex-coaches that won NCAA CHAMPIONSHIPS are golden IMO. They part ways when it was time. UK and BBN keeps on pushing for new greatness. Now let's gather up and push Pope to get us a Natty!
1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

No lying involved. You can always find something to be thankful for. And if you can't, try harder.

Without getting into the weeds, Mormonism at least thinks it's Christianity and this is literally nothing besides Mark Pope acting like a Christian.
That’s great and all but I’m not sure Christianity flies on this board with “the group”. These are the same people who criticized the former coach for washing feet and giving shoes to the needy to teach his players servant leadership, a biblical principle.