SI Lays Off Entire Staff...


Dec 9, 2007
Boy, I hope Pat Forde lands on his feet in time to trash Kentucky in March.

But, really, a sad day. Man, when I was a kid Sports Illustrated arriving in the mail made it a special day. I read it cover to cover for years. And the peak Swim Suit issues of the late 1970s through the early 1990s...Great stuff.

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Newspapers and magazines are old technology. SI was a day late. Internet is out within the hour. 24 hour sports channels release videos a week before you can get pictures from a magazine.
Thank goodness. Karma. UNC grad Curry Kirkpatrick wrote that cover story and never spoke up when UNCheat was exposed.

End of an era, but that pub has been trending downward quickly for sometime. My dad subscribed in the 80s and 90s and I used to look forward to it coming in the mail on Thursdays.

I never celebrate anyone losing their livelihoods. That’s scary stuff and could affect the innocent like kids and spouses.
Boy, I hope Pat Forde lands on his feet in time to trash Kentucky in March.

But, really, a sad day. Man, when I was a kid Sports Illustrated arriving in the mail made it a special day. I read it cover to cover for years. And the peak Swim Suit issues of the late 1970s through the early 1990s...Great stuff.

I have 34 SI covers with UK prominently displayed. Had each of them laminated. Looks terrific on my Wildcat Den wall.
Some Illustrated magazines still do just fine.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated still going strong. Better than ever actually. Looks almost identical to the 1979 version honestly. Amazing thing really that they sell more print subscriptions than ever nowadays because of the Internets help. Editor's words
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Boy if you collected these you might have a mint on your hand soon.

It is a sad day for those losing their jobs though. Sadly I’m sure this rat the top wil be just fin while everyone else flounders.
Some Illustrated magazines still do just fine.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated still going strong. Better than ever actually. Looks almost identical to the 1979 version honestly. Amazing thing really that they sell more print subscriptions than ever nowadays because of the Internets help. Editor's words
That's a lot of gays and hill billies.
It hasn’t been relevant in 15 years. If needed, AI can write the same articles for cheap. It’s weird but journalism is mostly dead, it’s just about being the first to break on twitter now, even if it’s wrong
I have these all displayed in my office. The leatherbound collector’s issues are some of my favorite Kentucky basketball collector’s items, they’re still like new.


I was a longtime subscriber of SI magazine up until about 2007 until I finally shut them down, internet and digital took over for me. But I have to say, there’s nothing digital that can replace this kind of stuff. I still have 4 of the more iconic Tiger Woods SI cover magazines, including his first after winning a major. They’re major collector’s pieces for me. I know they’re obsolete now, but my nostalgia makes this tough to swallow. SI was a big part of my sports life since I was a teen.