She should put a hit out on her plastic surgeon


Mar 27, 2012
or just go all Kill Bill on him. What a shame.


This post was edited on 2/10 9:30 AM by DSmith21
I see a fairly good difference before/after. However, I'm with FunK.......she's very overrated in my book. Decent actress.....seems to be a decent person from what I've heard.......but when it comes to Hollywood beauties she's not up there.
I think she looks much more "manlike" which she didn't need because Uma already has an enormous nose and giant hands and feet. She always had a pretty rocking body though.

This post was edited on 2/10 9:47 AM by DSmith21
That's really not that bad and much of it could probably be attributed to the different hairstyle she has in both pictures.


Learn fashion and hair.

Renee Zellweger - That's a different person post surgery.


This post was edited on 2/10 1:00 PM by argubs2
Unless she wants to spend the rest of her life in prison, I'd advise using the 5 Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.
I love that the before and after picture in the article is a 20 year difference.
How the people in the show look is not the story. the story is how a jacked up bearded Spock putting the smackdown on a POS kid is the basis for a weekly 1 hour network television show in the year 2015.
Jennifer Gray is the all time hands down winner in this category - although she actually looked better after the surgery.

Two women I never 'got': Uma Thurman and Gwinneth Paltrow. To each his own I suppose......
That scene in Avengers when Gwinneth is walking around in jorts tho
Originally posted by Mojocat:

Two women I never 'got': Uma Thurman and Gwinneth Paltrow. To each his own I suppose......
Couldn't agree more on Gwennith. Shallow, full of herself and saggy boobs to boot.
Its hard to tell because she has like 30 layers of makeup on or something. Jesus.

I think she looked her best in Gattaca tho.