Saying goodbye to a dog

We had dogs throughout my childhood until high school, but as a kid I never really took it too hard for some reason. Just put down my first dog in adulthood in June. Only had him 5 years (rescue) but it was awful.

We got a puppy back in February so we were briefly a 2 dog family. I sometimes catch myself wondering why I even let myself get so attached to him since I know how it ends. I guess we just have to push that thought to the side, give him the best life possible, and enjoy it all while we can.
I'm not expecting any reactions or replies. I just want to vent a little.

Today we took our 7 year old great dane to the emergency vet. For the last few days he's had a stuffy nose and obviously felt a little down. The last couple of days he stopped eating and developed a fever. Nothing major, or so we thought.

Turns out he has fluid in his lungs. A test determined it's very possibly due to cancer but they're not sure. They plan to do more blood work and an ultrasound tomorrow. So, they want to keep him overnight to give him an IV and to keep an eye on him in case the fluid in the lungs becomes an issue.

About an hour ago I got a call that his bp is dropping and his pulse rate is up. They did a quick ultrasound and determined his lungs are filling with fluid. It's possible it's from the earlier test and he's just not able to clot. They want to drain the fluid and give him something to help with clotting.

I've been through this before and I'm afraid we're at the end. I told them to give me a call at whatever time in case we need to rush in to say goodbye. Just writing this hurts. It's not supposed to happen this fast. Our other danes lived to be 12.5 and 14. This guy is a baby compared to them.

I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess hug your pets because you never know.
Ugh brutal. So sorry.
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the wife & I have 2 small dogs now. they are just a joy to watch.
even when they are sleeping they are fun to watch. they snore, lay on their back
with their feet up. they are the perfect stress relief from work and life's problems.
with out a doubt, they are my best friends, and it isn't even close.
I will cry like a baby when they pass.
I sure understand your pain
I always have dogs. It is tough. Especially when you live like I do. Dogs have always been my best friends. The variety in personalities even among siblings is astounding. I have a yellow lab now that can't be ten feet from me if I am around. I think he thinks I am incompetent and need to be watched.
I always have dogs. It is tough. Especially when you live like I do. Dogs have always been my best friends. The variety in personalities even among siblings is astounding. I have a yellow lab now that can't be ten feet from me if I am around. I think he thinks I am incompetent and need to be watched.
We adopted two boxers years ago. A mother and her pup. The mother was full of buckshot, but was the sweetest dog I ever saw, and I have been around dogs all my life. It was amazing how mistreated she had been, but was still so sweet. The pup was scared of everything, especially men. After a day or two, he got to liking me, but didn't want to be anywhere near any other man. He followed Jan like a shadow. He and Maddie (from my other post) became best buddies. Maddie had to teach him how to play.
Got a beautiful black n white border collie the same week Kobe died. Took me 2 minutes to name him. Kobe has been my best friend and I treat him like a king. Hotdog for breakfast everyday. Rotisserie chickens from Sam's and lots of luv. Can't imagine how heartbroken I'll be when I lose him considering he's bout all I got in my life that makes smile.
Sorry, get bummed reading about pups no longer here.

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My wife's hairdresser said that when dog's go deaf they lose confidence because they don't understand why no one is talking to them anymore. 😢

I've made it a point the last few days to yell (nicely) to my 90% deaf dog throughout the day. It has improved his mood. Lol.

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