Norlander is Trilly and he’s guessing on many of these picks. Every now and then he obviously got some scoop but most of his picks are purely guessing. The last guy that really had excellent sources people here do not like, Marc Maggard. I was a TBK member because of how reliable his info was, but wow what a total POS. TBK was awesome for info though, he knew Harrison Barnes was going to UNC before Duke did, and he knew POY was coming to Kentucky when everyone thought Memphis, and he actually did call the “wrong on purpose” which all of us saw in order to expose matt jones, which he did. I have no idea if memanboy still has his sources, but during the round ball recruiters days he 100% absolutely did and it was the best insider stuff I’ve ever been apart of. 100%. Anyone who was there over those years will tell you that. I can’t list all of his dead on calls because the post wouldn’t end.
But man what a tool ass piece of **** that guy was. I once saw him berate a poster for just having an opinion different. Guy ended up explaining he lives alone and apologized because he’s actually made friends on the board and doesn’t have any it was insane sad. I’ll never forget it. Marc Maggard is an absolute maniac narcissist.