Saddest movie ever

I’m of the same opinion about the saddest movies come from the military genre:

The Yellow Birds (hard to watch)
Thank You for Your Service

Many others, but if you don’t get emotional about our military personnel’s sacrifices….I probably won’t enjoy your company
We Were Soldiers
Saving Private Ryan
Hacksaw Ridge
Flags of Our Fathers

All those movies get to me. That scene at the end of Platoon when Sheen is on the helicopter is gut wrenching for me. Mainly because I come from a Family of Vets. They deserve way more than what they've been given.
I know this is a bit of a wimpy take but The Notebook hit really hard for me, I have lost a couple of loved ones to Dementia and currently experiencing it with one of my most cherished people.

Will never put myself thru such an experience again.
I know this is a bit of a wimpy take but The Notebook hit really hard for me, I have lost a couple of loved ones to Dementia and currently experiencing it with one of my most cherished people.

Will never put myself thru such an experience again.
There's a line (that I'm going to mangle, I'm afraid) : You either die young or live long enough to watch your friends die. Two years ago, a friend of mine from the early 1970s died from Alzheimer's. And the husband of one of my wife's closest friends has it now. It isn't every week that we hear of an acquaintance having it, but several times a year, I hear the opening, "Did you hear about ..." I'm in my mid 70s and in good health (knock wood), but 4 or 5 in a hundred my age develop it. That rises to 1 in 3 by 90. So, when I walk past the cupboard door and walk into the laundry room instead, I wonder, "Is this it?" When I constantly mislay my glasses, keys, or wallet, I wonder, too. What's the name of that actor who appeared in that movie we liked? I'll look it up. (Every evening almost.)

There's a TV cop show from a couple of years ago -- Paradise -- about a cop whose husband develops Alzheimer's. And knows it. It's terrible to watch: he hits people like strangers, grandchildren, his wife. Other movies about it: Away from Her and Still Alice. (that's early onset). Then I read that Paul Newman, when he knew he was dying gave his wife a compass: she was in early stages of dementia herself. I think he died without her knowing him, but I could be wrong.

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