Rupp Rafters Christmas Party; Who's Bringing What?

If it ever lights, I'll bring the bird. Seems to be circling something dead in the woods behind my house.
He finally lit. Can't find my ammo. I'll keep you posted.

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I bring the bandages to help heal the broken ankles from everyone who has jumped off the bandwagon. I'll also bring a thearpist to perscribe meds to some of our deleusioanl fans.

Lastly I'll brimg so great entertainment to help jan Terri out since she can't perform all night. So here's an extra treat.

His name is mark gormley, and this video has almost 2 million hits! These two together would put Johnny and june to shame. So yourself favor. Check out this video them check out the anove jan Terri video, and you will never look at music the same way ever again. It's poetry in motion!