Rumor: New Arena

?...arenas and stadiums built in the 70s generally sucked in all sports--which is largely why most have now been demolished....

Isn't that the truth - who can forget the splendor of Riverfront/Three Rivers/etc? Were architects still in a stupor from the 60s? Was it just more post-modern bull manure? Who knows. At least the clothing from the 70s stellar!!
I'm torn on whether I would want chairbacks in the upper deck because it would reduce capacity under Louisville. Can we live with that for comfort and safety?
Isn't that the truth - who can forget the splendor of Riverfront/Three Rivers/etc?

Or to expand on that: Riverfront Stadium, Three Rivers Stadium, Veteran's Stadium, Busch Stadium, Fulton County Stadium, RFK Stadium, Oakland-Alameda Stadium, etc.

ALL of those "multi-purpose" stadiums from that late 60s to mid 70s era were virtual cookie cutter clones of each other, and plainly designed by architects who did NOT consider the fan experience as part of the equation--sterile, cold, boxy, grey, circular, bland places with little character and WAY too many seats that were WAY too far from the field.

And, unfortunately, Rupp happens to be a model of the basketball version drawn up by those same misguided 70s architects.
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Because it's actually a terrible idea, as anyone who's been inside the Carrier Dome could attest.

It doesn't have to be terrible. You guys may have read this article, but you have no idea how far along this got. A major person of influence who will go unnamed was intrigued and even arranged for the University to meet about it. Soon after the remodel of Rupp was proposed by the city, and it was over. Land downtown for the entire project was committed. Amazingly, if you take a 1:1 scale footprint of the commuted land, Lucas Oil Stadium would drop in at its current orientation and fit perfectly.
It doesn't have to be terrible. You guys may have read this article, but you have no idea how far along this got. A major person of influence who will go unnamed was intrigued and even arranged for the University to meet about it. Soon after the remodel of Rupp was proposed by the city, and it was over. Land downtown for the entire project was committed. Amazingly, if you take a 1:1 scale footprint of the commuted land, Lucas Oil Stadium would drop in at its current orientation and fit perfectly.

Out of curiosity, how many dome basketball games have you attended? As someone who's been to quite a few, let me tell you my opinion, dome basketball SUCKS!--at least if you actually care about watching basketball--and there's nothing much that can really be done to improve it. 90 percent of the seats are always waaay too far from the floor, the crowd ends up having a weird distant feeling almost as if in a different location, people end up watching the game on the jumbotron instead of on the floor--and, imo, you might as well just stay home and watch it on TV if you're gonna do that.

Basketball games are not meant to be played in football stadiums. That's the LAST thing UK should ever consider doing.
I attended the '97 Final Four in what was then called the RCA Dome in Indy. As it was configured for basketball, it wasn't bad at all. Lighting was good and the temporary seating on the "big" side was very good. The concourse was too narrow but, that was a problem in the stadium design that had nothing to do with holding a basketball game there.
Those complaining about arenas and stadiums built in the 70's forget that much of that era was spent in a recession and that such designs were more utilitarian in nature in order to maximize the investment. The advent of TV contracts with the NFL, NBA and MLB changed a good many things. The money started rolling in and clubs could raise ticket prices on an almost yearly basis. You can almost exactly tie the big TV contracts to the coming of modern, luxury stadiums and arenas.
Out of curiosity, how many dome basketball games have you attended? As someone who's been to quite a few, let me tell you my opinion, dome basketball SUCKS!--at least if you actually care about watching basketball--and there's nothing much that can really be done to improve it. 90 percent of the seats are always waaay too far from the floor, the crowd ends up having a weird distant feeling almost as if in a different location, people end up watching the game on the jumbotron instead of on the floor--and, imo, you might as well just stay home and watch it on TV if you're gonna do that.

Basketball games are not meant to be played in football stadiums. That's the LAST thing UK should ever consider doing.
I attended the final four in Indianapolis a few years ago. It sucked from every seat. That experience was the genesis for the idea that followed. The article in the link Explains the difference.
I attended the final four in Indianapolis a few years ago. It sucked from every seat. That experience was the genesis for the idea that followed. The article in the link Explains the difference.
You must have sat somewhere other than in the lower bowl. I sat right behind the CBS Sports anchor location for the game vs. Az. and in the middle of the UNC section for the game vs. Minn. No problem from either seat.
I attended the final four in Indianapolis a few years ago. It sucked from every seat. That experience was the genesis for the idea that followed. The article in the link Explains the difference.

I'm not sure what "final four in Indianapolis a few years ago" you're talking about. Was it one not involving UK? Because the last one there we participated in prior to this year was nearly two decades ago in 97.

Regardless, I think anyone who thinks a venue can be made equally appealing for both football and basketball is deluding themselves. And anyone who claims otherwise is selling snake oil. The field/court dimensions and nature of the two sports are just too different to make that work without one or both sports sacrificing a lot. Which is why everybody who's ever tried it (other than Syracuse who's merely waiting until it can financially justify demolishing the Carrier Dome) has now abandoned the idea. The notion that UK should should follow that discredited path is just plain stupid.
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I'm not sure what "final four in Indianapolis a few years ago" you're talking about. Was it one not involving UK? Because the last one there we participated in prior to this year was nearly two decades ago in 97.

Regardless, I think anyone who thinks a venue can be made equally appealing for both football and basketball is deluding themselves. And anyone who claims otherwise is selling snake oil. The field/court dimensions and nature of the two sports are just too different to make that work without one or both sports sacrificing a lot. Which is why everybody who's ever tried it (other than Syracuse who's merely waiting until it can financially justify demolishing the Carrier Dome) has now abandoned the idea. The notion that UK should should follow that discredited path is just plain stupid.
Obviously you refuse to even look at the article. Not much more I can do for you since your mind is made up. Also, yes I do actually attend major sports events even if UK is not involved.
Obviously you refuse to even look at the article. Not much more I can do for you since your mind is made up. Also, yes I do actually attend major sports events even if UK is not involved.

A basketball/football combo stadium at UK is the worst idea that anyone has come up with...ever. And I mean, EVER. That would be a complete and utter disaster, and anyone who has been to a dome basketball game would know that.

That being said, @UK90, there are some other schools who (for some reason) still do the combo. Northern Arizona comes to mind.
We don't need a new arena just because UL got one.
As far as that goes, you are right. The reason we need a new arena has nothing whatsoever to do with Louisville, and there is no legitimate comparison at all between our basketball program and UL's.
Obviously you refuse to even look at the article. Not much more I can do for you since your mind is made up. Also, yes I do actually attend major sports events even if UK is not involved.

I did read your article, I just think it's nonsense, in fact that's what I was basically referring to with the "selling snake oil" comment. And, fwiw, such ideas are hardly new, domes have tried all sorts of different layouts and techniques to try to make it better, moving the court to one corner, curtaining off the rest of the stadium, moving in bleachers to try to give it a more enclosed feeling, etc. But it STILL does not work, still has terrrble sightlines, sitll has the sterile distant hollow feel, still has weird acoustics, and just seems strange that half the place is empty and curtained off. No matter what they try nobody's ever been able to make it work as well as real basketball arena. Why? Because basketball is not meant to be played in a football stadium. PERIOD.

The football/hoops combo thing is just a terrible idea. You really should stop talking about it.
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240 million is a drop in the bucket if UL has over $1 Billion dollars in a trust.
Sounds to me like they were trying to scam the tax payers in basically giving them an arena for free.

Also what ur saying is if you had 220 million in the bank in 1976 the buying power would be 55 million in today's money if u did not do anything with it. All that buying power lost due to inflation. So if UK borrowed money now to build a 250 million arena wait 40 years to pay it off and it would be considerably less because in the future a dollar will be worth less and less. Shoot it might be so bad that 250 million just might buy you a turkey sammich.
You are confusing the UofL foundation and athletic department. Also, the billion is for education and restricted funds. They don't have it for athletics, and it's odd you think they can.

You're coming off like a retarded UofL fan. We like to use actual facts here. Thanks. Then again, it's probably a troll account.
I did read your article, I just think it's nonsense, in fact that's what I was basically referring to with the "selling snake oil" comment. And, fwiw, such ideas are hardly new, domes have tried all sorts of different layouts and techniques to try to make it better, moving the court to one corner, curtaining off the rest of the stadium, moving in bleachers to try to give it a more enclosed feeling, etc. But it STILL does not work, still has terrrble sightlines, sitll has the sterile distant hollow feel, still has weird acoustics, and just seems strange that half the place is empty and curtained off. No matter what they try nobody's ever been able to make it work as well as real basketball arena. Why? Because basketball is not meant to be played in a football stadium. PERIOD.

The football/hoops combo thing is just a terrible idea. You really should stop talking about it.
You know what I think I'll do instead UK90? I will search out the ignore feature of this site and put you on it. That way you don't have to be exposed to my thoughts and I don't have to be exposed to some random guy who feels like he has the right to tell me or anyone else what to talk about. That attitude probably explains your anemic "Likes" ratio of .01%. Apparently after all these years, no one agrees with statistically anything you post.
You are confusing the UofL foundation and athletic department. Also, the billion is for education and restricted funds. They don't have it for athletics, and it's odd you think they can.

You're coming off like a retarded UofL fan. We like to use actual facts here. Thanks. Then again, it's probably a troll account.

How about u drink a tall glass of shut the F up?? U come across as being a consinding douche bag. If you can read my post where it says how they are stealing from the tax payer and say that's a UL fan then their is no helping u. Your just stupid
Finances aside, I liked the Rupp renovation from last year. It was both cutting edge and checked several functional boxes. It's a shame Dr. Eli couldn't have just improved the plan and kept the thing going. Power struggles. :thumbsdown:
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I'm torn on whether I would want chairbacks in the upper deck because it would reduce capacity under Louisville. Can we live with that for comfort and safety?
Last year's plan included chairbacks and did not reduce capacity fwiw. Of course it died for reasons that had everything to do with money and power.
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