I did read your article, I just think it's nonsense, in fact that's what I was basically referring to with the "selling snake oil" comment. And, fwiw, such ideas are hardly new, domes have tried all sorts of different layouts and techniques to try to make it better, moving the court to one corner, curtaining off the rest of the stadium, moving in bleachers to try to give it a more enclosed feeling, etc. But it STILL does not work, still has terrrble sightlines, sitll has the sterile distant hollow feel, still has weird acoustics, and just seems strange that half the place is empty and curtained off. No matter what they try nobody's ever been able to make it work as well as real basketball arena. Why? Because basketball is not meant to be played in a football stadium. PERIOD.
The football/hoops combo thing is just a terrible idea. You really should stop talking about it.