Guy I work with has a cousin who is an architect in LA. Supposedly, the architect firm the cousin works for got information about doing a bid for a new arena. Make of it what you will. Could be complete BS or could be something.
Kick BCTC out of their Cooper Campus and just build it there. Perfect spot, IMO.UK basketball needs to be back on campus...
I think the ideal spot would be somewhere near is going to move that way...makes sense...would be able to use stadium parking...
Yeah, attendance is roughly the same for football and basketball, at least on average and assuming we're talking Rich Brooks/Mark Stoops attendance and not Joker Phillips attendance. Say ~450k a year for basketball (number of home games vary every season) and that's a lot of money. Which is exactly why the threat of building its own arena (which it hasn't made quite yet) will be enough to kick the city into action and actually build a new arena or renovate Rupp. The new scoreboard is a placation until the city tries again.Another thing to look at is attendance, how many fans do we being in total through out the year for home games in basketball and football? They are probably pretty close to one another in total attendance. If UK was able to save all that extra revenue that bb generates that's just much more money we have to play with.
UL has over a billion dollars in it's slush fund it can easily pay for an arena. I don't know how much we have but I'd much rather UK foot the bill than to ask the tax payers.
I would love to just see Rupp renovated. .
$55 million in 1976, which is $220 million in today's dollars. Fairly typical for an off-campus arena of its size. The KFC Yum! Center, less what the city paid for the site, cost $240 million.Does anybody know the original cost of Rupp when it was built?
It's a real contingency. The city has tried to keep UK on board with Rupp Arena renovations, but the city has failed to deliver. Barnhart has been open about UK's requirements. If the city can't renovate Rupp to meet UK's requirements, there will be an on campus basketball arena. That has been true from the beginning. It isn't new. Some people will argue against this by comparing it to the mess in Louisville. But there is no comparison between Kentucky's basketball program and Louisville's. That has never been more obvious. An on campus basketball arena in Lexington would work, because of SEC money, TV money, better corporate support and above all, Kentucky has a much more successful basketball program. If Calipari is all the way on board, there will probably be a new arena. The trick will be getting the city fully on board with it, but they really don't have much choice now that they have fumbled the Rupp renovations.Guy I work with has a cousin who is an architect in LA. Supposedly, the architect firm the cousin works for got information about doing a bid for a new arena. Make of it what you will. Could be complete BS or could be something.
I have always wondered why they did not do this. Sounds like a good ideal to me.Enclose Commonwealth Stadium and let it be a multifunctional building ala the Georgia Dome....the basketball arena would be expanded to seat maybe 35,000. Hey, I can dream....
Because it's actually a terrible idea, as anyone who's been inside the Carrier Dome could attest.I have always wondered why they did not do this. Sounds like a good ideal to me.
Kick BCTC out of their Cooper Campus and just build it there. Perfect spot, IMO.
I have and it is in fact terrible. The pitch and different sizes of the playing areas make it impossible to have a good basketball arena and football field in the same facility .I have never been inside the Carrier Dome so I would not know.
Just say NO! We don't need a new arena just because UL got one.
If you're going forward with the current Rupp Arena, paint those ducts, at least dust them - this would improve it immensely.Wouldn't be a shock except they are putting some substantial improvements in Rupp slowly but surely (locker room, ribbon scoreboards, overhead center scoreboards, paint on the red ducts).
Since the new center scoreboard will require structural improvements to the roof and uppermost sections of the arena, I imagine that will happen.If you're going forward with the current Rupp Arena, paint those ducts, at least dust them - this would improve it immensely.