Rondo is Dunzo in Dallas

Serious? Since you didn't watch the game, the answer is no. It was partially already injured.
Actually, I did watch the game, and he got pulled in favor of J.J. Barea because he was awful. Rondo has had issues with every coach he has ever had and imo is quitting on the season.
Back injury, as in he's not coming "back" to Dallas. His Dallas antics damaged his free agent stock for this off season really, really bad. Dropped from a possible max contract free agent, to maybe half that i'd guess.
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Worst kept secret in the NBA. Everyone knew he wouldn't be a Mav after this season.
Very likely he's a Laker soon.
I love Rondo but he only shows up to work when he feels like showing up to work. That just isn't how the real world works. He needs to grow up. Actually, he needed to grow up a long time ago. He's way too talented to still be behaving like a spoiled child.
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It would be awesome to watch the Lakers try to play with him next season.

We might see an actual homicide on the court if Rondo tries to pull some of that garbage with Kobe playing next to him.
Rondo, Love, and Kobe potentially playing together next year? Oh my. Poor Randle and the draft pick this year will be stuck in the middle of that chaotic situation.
Rondo knows what he's doing, after all he's the worlds best Connect Four player. Always thinking 10 steps ahead.
People who don't like Rondo are just P.C. liberal goons. He's a jerk, he's a clown. Y'all need to put your big-boy pants on, sissies.
Rajon has been a problem everywhere he has played, everywhere. So much talent and yet lacking so many other intangibles.
Rondo is a classic example of why if you're a great college coach, don't waste your time going to the NBA to coach a bunch of guys like this. Once they make money, they don't have to listen to you and if the star's contract is big and long, you'll get fired.

If you enjoy some type of control and like players listening to you before they get massive egos, stay in college.
I think Rondo needs to be in a situation where there's at least one bigger, more accomplished asshole than he is on the team. He had it in Boston when KG was there, and he would have it in LA with Kobe. Guys that have clearly proven themselves and are absolute alphas.
Im not saying Rondo argued with Carlisle because he sucked, but that doesnt mean that Carlisle doesnt suck, because he does.
I guess our definition of "suck" differs. Carlisle has an NBA championship with a team that shouldn't of won and upset a Lebron led Miami Heat team. He also has a lifetime win percentage of 60%. which puts him above George Karl. Not saying he is Phil Jackson, but I don't think he sucks by any means.
His performa
People who don't like Rondo are just P.C. liberal goons. He's a jerk, he's a clown. Y'all need to put your big-boy pants on, sissies.

uhh, that makes absolutely zero sense. I am the complete opposite of what you describe & I don't like Rondo.
don't quit your day job
I think Rondo needs to be in a situation where there's at least one bigger, more accomplished asshole than he is on the team. He had it in Boston when KG was there, and he would have it in LA with Kobe. Guys that have clearly proven themselves and are absolute alphas.

That is correct and it's why chances of him ever getting back to elite status are slim.

Boston had Truth, Allen, and KG basically telling him to STFU and do what they say. Now, he's the greybeard and there's really no one left in the league who can tell him anything save for a few. Kobe is probably one of them, but does LA really want to risk that with Kobe exiting in another 2 or 3 (maybe 1 more depending on how his body holds up) seasons?

LA isn't winning without a lot more firepower than Rondo and Kobe. What superstars are going to want to walk into that dumpster fire?
People who don't like Rondo are just P.C. liberal goons. He's a jerk, he's a clown. Y'all need to put your big-boy pants on, sissies.

Agreed. I like RR for the same reason I like KG. Both will test you physically and mentally. If you aren't up to the task, they'll run over you.
LA isn't winning without a lot more firepower than Rondo and Kobe. What superstars are going to want to walk into that dumpster fire?[/QUOTE]

Agree. I can't think of any other superstar that would consider that a good situation. People bring up Love, but if he can't get along with Lebron, I can't see any way he'd jive well with Kobe. And definitely not Kobe and Rondo.

Honestly, I'd be pissed if I was a Laker fan. Rondo is going to go somewhere, and with his and Kobe's relationship, I'd be surprised if it wasn't LA. It might work, but most signs would point to it being a terrible idea, leaving them at least another year or two away from the post-Kobe rebuild they really need.
Agreed. I like RR for the same reason I like KG. Both will test you physically and mentally. If you aren't up to the task, they'll run over you.

So you conservatives are rooting for a guy that is paid to do a job, but instead does not do what he is paid to do. He not only quit on his team the other night, he intentionally f'ed up while he was in the game. Rondo is everything conservatives claim they are against, that being an entitled a-hole. I was still rooting for Rondo right up until about four minutes into that game the other night. I will never root for that guy again. I hope he disappears just like Lamar Odom did, when he pulled the same crap when he was traded to the Mavs.
Making this political just reveals how small minded people can be.
I don't get the urge to defend him. He's been a jerk. It's been documented over and over again.

I think both he and Kobe are about winning, and they'll be ok. Until the Lakers don't win.
Okay, we'll leave politics out of this. Whoever doesn't like Rondo doesn't like favorable human qualities and has very low basketball IQ. People who don't appreciate a PG like Rondo are fat, overweight, people from "city", Kentucky and have two overweight kids that try to play basketball.
Okay, we'll leave politics out of this. Whoever doesn't like Rondo doesn't like favorable human qualities and has very low basketball IQ. People who don't appreciate a PG like Rondo are fat, overweight, people from "city", Kentucky and have two overweight kids that try to play basketball.

You are pretty much showing your ignorance.

He's a KY kid, we all want to see him succeed, but he is a terrible teammate and that is never good for a team.
That recent article posted here a few weeks ago was very telling. It'll be interesting to see how he deals with Kobe.