RIP James Wood

That's really sad. He was a good guy by all accounts. I had a job one summer working at an A&P, which was fine while it lasted. But one day this trio of chicks came in wearing nothing but swimsuits, which, being many years ago, was just too much for our small town and its grocery. I watched these girls shop and wondered how I was going to get up the nerve to talk to them. I mean, I'd never seen anything like it. Then wouldn't you know they come to my checkout line. I was psyched about this, but then the manager comes over and kicks them out for being half-dressed. Hoping to impress the girls, I just up and quit out of protest. But then when I get outside where I know they'll be waiting for me, they're gone. Son of a bitch.
His son-in-law is named Christopher Cox. So if his daughter decided to hyphenated her name it would be Wood-Cox.