Remember this guy?


Aug 27, 2013

Heard a rumor it's this guy:
Do you know how drunk you have to be to not be allowed into a football stadium? Like really, really drunk. Idiots.

Also, nice parenting allowing their underage daughter to get trashed with them. It's one thing to allow your 19-20 yr old to have a beer or glass of wine at a family gathering. It's another (white trash) thing to get so sauced with them that you get arrested in a place where 70% of the crowd has also consumed alcohol. That's quite a feat.
If they're arrested for public intoxication...and charged, why then let them sober up in jail for 8 hours, release them, and drop the charges? Sounds like NMPD is more of a community halfway house than a police department.
If they did sobriety checks at ball games, at least 25% would be intoxicated. This is the first I’ve heard of anyone being arrested for being intoxicated trying to enter a ball game.
If they did sobriety checks at ball games, at least 25% would be intoxicated. This is the first I’ve heard of anyone being arrested for being intoxicated trying to enter a ball game.

Most people who would be considered over the limit if given a breathalyzer test probably aren't staggering drunk, like this bunch supposedly was.
He’s a good guy. And a friend of mine. I’m sure I’ll get slammed on here but that’s ok.

He goes overboard on message boards but is a decent guy in real life. I hate to see this happened to him.
He's a shithead in real life. Anyone who would call someone's employer and make up lies to try and get them fired is a worthless douchebag.

And you don't get arrested for trying to go to a football game intoxicated. You get arrested for being an intoxicated asshole.
He's a shithead in real life. Anyone who would call someone's employer and make up lies to try and get them fired is a worthless douchebag.

And you don't get arrested for trying to go to a football game intoxicated. You get arrested for being an intoxicated asshole.

Correct on all counts. You arrest people that appear to be smashed at that point because they pose a danger to themselves and others. If you let them in, you risk them maybe falling trying to navigate the steps and seriously injuring themselves or another fan, or doing/saying something really stupid and instigating a fight. The possibilities are endless and could result in a lawsuit(s) against the stadium.
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He's a shithead in real life. Anyone who would call someone's employer and make up lies to try and get them fired is a worthless douchebag.

And you don't get arrested for trying to go to a football game intoxicated. You get arrested for being an intoxicated asshole.
I’m friends with UKO in real life too. Maybe I just attract shitheads. :joy:
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He’s a good guy. And a friend of mine. I’m sure I’ll get slammed on here but that’s ok.

He goes overboard on message boards but is a decent guy in real life. I hate to see this happened to him.

He called someone's employer and said they were over billing clients, trying to get them fired. All over a message board spat. I hope he gets fired over this. Karma is a bitch
He called someone's employer and said they were over billing clients, trying to get them fired. All over a message board spat. I hope he gets fired over this. Karma is a bitch
Was that the deal with one of our posters here on RR (believe he lived in Tn. or had something in his poster name about Tn). Time flies, but maybe 5,6 years ago?
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It's not worth dragging in the people he's tried to f over to this thread. Hopefully with enough attention on this, people will realize what an absolute c-stain of a human that POS is and let karma take over from there.
Someone, I would guess his employer, has already gotten it all scrubbed off the internet. You can still find the mugshots, but that's it. Must be nice being connected.

Anybody notice that his one daughter is a dead ringer for the mom, they could be twins just years apart.
How do so many people know the story of his call to an employer trying to get someone fired? That was a fairly obscure event, I thought, in the context of a fairly small group of posters (that had migrated from the old cnnsi boards). Makes me wonder if he’s done it more than once...

also, wondering if @TankedCat has seen this...
He’s a good guy. And a friend of mine. I’m sure I’ll get slammed on here but that’s ok.

He goes overboard on message boards but is a decent guy in real life. I hate to see this happened to him.

he enjoys being a jackass. enough said
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How do so many people know the story of his call to an employer trying to get someone fired? That was a fairly obscure event, I thought, in the context of a fairly small group of posters (that had migrated from the old cnnsi boards). Makes me wonder if he’s done it more than once...

also, wondering if @TankedCat has seen this...

I too wonder how many people know that, its not like you and I were broadcasting it on here.

That didn't even happen on CNNSI, it happened on The Goat Pen

But to be fair, Ryall has made a name for himself as a social media and message board guy now so maybe his regaling of the story has taken a life of its own. Certainly no love lost between them over the years.

btw, the link might have been expunged, but you can take the URL and go into google, and choose the cached version to see it.
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Skank on the bottom right looks like she either took a right cross from someone or got to know the ground face first.
Was that the deal with one of our posters here on RR (believe he lived in Tn. or had something in his poster name about Tn). Time flies, but maybe 5,6 years ago?

He may have done it more than once. The incident I know of happened at least 10 years ago I bet. I won't get into the story but it set off a chain of events that had a twist at the end.
btw, for you guys dogging him - understand, he'd go after your ass with litigation in a heart beat. He won't take this lying down, its not his personality. Think Zipp with the time, desire and intense hatred of all things UK to consider this an opportunity to mess with UK fans - and a buttload of legal stationary with his name at the top.

Don't be surprised to see this thread removed