Ref highlights from last night

They certainly were letting guys slide all over the floor without a travel call.
I've seen sliding in the floor and rolling over with the ball this year multiple times and the refs swallowed the whistle. They seen how bad the rating are for the NBA and can't wait to take college in the same direction.
They certainly were letting guys slide all over the floor without a travel call.
That was the first time I had ever seen Pope react towards a horrible ref call (or no-call in this situation). In the background he through out his arms and was saying something, then actually did talk to the ref, but he just accepted the ref's BS response and walked away.

I'm sure a lot his demeanor with the refs is driven by his religious beliefs and just his persona in general. But being an ex-athlete (pro even) and now a head coach of the most historic program in basketball, he has to have it in him and it has to be TOUGH to keep it balled up, especially in games like last night where we were essentially taken to the woodshed on bad and no-calls.

I'm not asking or expecting him to turn into another Cal or Hurley, but just a tad more debate to let the refs know you're onto their shenanigans and that they need to balance out their calls and pay more attention to BOTH sides of the court. And don't accept the first BS answer that comes out of the ref's mouth. Challenge it but do it without being a Hurley-Dick.
If Popes religion prevents him from screaming and cussing at the refs, let one of the assistants be the sacrificial lamb and take one for the team.
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