Reed Sheppard a OAD?

There are currently 15 players in the entire NBA that are Reed’s height or shorter, so you have to think that works against him.

I think he’s an amazing player, and selfishly want him to stay, because he’s the kind of guy that can win you a chip. Pushing him to be OAD would be disappointing if not altogether disheartening. I’d rather Reed get the keys next year than Fland, so this OAD talk may be from the PR suite to make good on promises.
I hope he stays at least 2 seasons but the way his game continues to improve it's a possible he leaves after the this season.
Reed Sheppard loves me this I know
For Rupp Rafters tells me so
Players ranked higher don't belong
They are weak but he is strong

I think this is actually an interesting question. The NBA trend is to recruit athleticism with less emphasis on skills. Most of our one and dones are athletic with so so basketball skills. Reed is highly skilled with so so athleticism by NBA standards. I think this depends on 2 things. How Reed does head on against first round competition. Save Kansas, our competition has been pathetic. Second is how Reed does in combines. Since both of those are yet to take place, is way too early to determine what might happen.
He is that caliber yes.

We have a chance to keep him because of who he is and not really needing money asap.

Has he been showing up in mock drafts?
This might hit a nerve with some but that is not my intention to do so, but Reed Sheppard would be a NBA owners/General manager's dream come true.
Like it or not, but he is what teams want, a kid that is skilled, 100% manageable, no issues on and off the court, not political, has the looks of a male model, no glitter, nothing but likable from every angle.
Agree or not, but Tyler Herro was almost this but once in the league, he started getting flashy jewelry, acting not bad but 'tough".
Reed Sheppard's parents should be given a medal for how they raised this humble kid. Jeff and his wife a great role models.
Reed Sheppard will be a John Stockton type player.
I think he will be here at least 3 years, a lot can change over the span of 3 years. I don't even like hearing about him being a one and done. I think his family values a degree which he could still get after 3 years. The NBA will be there when Reed decides what he wants to do, I don't think him, or his family are in a hurry to entertain this one and done stuff.
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I believe he’s a one and done. Possible lottery even.

Definitely without NIL he would be gone.

My hope is NIL swings the decision to staying 2 or 3 years.
Man…..out of all the recruits we’ve had recently, I assumed he’d be a 3 or 4 year guy.

I still say he stays two years. If you’re his height you’ve gotta be lightning quick, which he is not. You’ve gotta be able to creat your own shot, which he isn’t great at….yet.
Physically I don’t think he is ready. His stats are so good though. He is the best player on the team right now.
Lucky for us the NBA has always been obsessed with projects. Specifically taller, longer, projects from overseas because they want to be more global.

Reed would clearly be a great piece for any franchise, but he's just not the type of guy who any of them will look at...yet.

Also lucky for us, college sports have come around to players making money. The talent plus legacy name will command a lot of money. Probably enough to keep him around until he's a guaranteed lottery.

There won't be a car dealer, bank, insurance, restaurant chain, etc in Kentucky that isn't lined up with blank checks for him...

So, to all those old cats sitting on the porch yelling at the sky...change gone start to favor the ole blue and white. Sit down, relax, enjoy the show...nobody can find some money, benefits for a basketball player like the big blue nation can...regardless or era or legality...
Reed will play in the league and I believe he'll have a successful career. He's that good.
There are currently 15 players in the entire NBA that are Reed’s height or shorter, so you have to think that works against him.

I think he’s an amazing player, and selfishly want him to stay, because he’s the kind of guy that can win you a chip. Pushing him to be OAD would be disappointing if not altogether disheartening. I’d rather Reed get the keys next year than Fland, so this OAD talk may be from the PR suite to make good on promises.
I was just about to ask who his comp is. His height is going to hinder him at the next level. Should be able to carve out a nice backup pg role though possibly.
There are currently 15 players in the entire NBA that are Reed’s height or shorter, so you have to think that works against him.

I think he’s an amazing player, and selfishly want him to stay, because he’s the kind of guy that can win you a chip. Pushing him to be OAD would be disappointing if not altogether disheartening. I’d rather Reed get the keys next year than Fland, so this OAD talk may be from the PR suite to make good on promises.
Cal will absolutely push if it means getting a 5* player in here. Cal has never liked playing guys from Kentucky, either. He thinks of it as relinquishing control of his roster to people that he thinks he's above.
I think Reed will stick around for years 2 and maybe even longer. He is not the NBA has been my dream and way out of circumstance type player that is a one and done. I assume Reed's dream has been to play at Kentucky and not play in the NBA. His parents I would assume want him to get a degree and have something to fall back on because they know the limitations of someone his size in the NBA. With NIL he may stay at UK all 4 years and accomplish all of his dream and then be ready for the NBA but also for life without the NBA.
I believe his parents have installed the value of an education and JMO i think he stays at 2 years . Enjoy him while he is here.
Wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see him try to graduate in 3 years and leave after. But I definitely expect 2 years so he can graduate in a few more summers on the side while in the league.

With both parents being UK Grads I think he will want to (and be encouraged to by his parents) to graduate or at least set himself up as close to graduation as possible to be able to finish it on the side in his first contract.
Cal will absolutely push if it means getting a 5* player in here. Cal has never liked playing guys from Kentucky, either. He thinks of it as relinquishing control of his roster to people that he thinks he's above.

1. I could list all the KY guys he has singed and/or played, but you never saw any of that so why bother.

2. Reed is a 5* or high 4* depending on the service.

3. "He thinks of it as relinquishing control of his roster to people that he thinks he's above." They have medication for this sort of thinking (Thorazine). If you are already taking it, then have them adjust the dosage.


P.S. Do you hear BEGOK in your head late at night?