Reed noooo

1. Who even knows if this is real.

2. It's his college coach. I'm really amazed how surprised some people are that former players still support Cal, no matter where he coaches. It's a little odd to rock both school's gear (I would sooner just be neutral and wear nothing for either), But people seem to misunderstand just how important the coach can be for most of these guys, where the school might be secondary, especially for a player who was just there for a year.
Anything I say is contingent upon your first point about it being real. If it is real, I'm done with Reed as far as his career of one year being a Wildcat. I understand having an allegiance to a coach, but playing for Cal for one year at UK should not excuse this if he bleeds blue. Therefore, in my opinion he does not. I am totally shocked by this. I know parents should support their kids, but if this is real my advice to Jeff and Stacy is to just not say anything or their legacy will be ruined as well.
He has mixed feelings, it seems to me.
He has KY shorts on.
Remember: he has 3 former teammates playing for ARK.
Having said the above, I would be very surprised if he didn’t want KY to win.

KY 88
ARK 73
I agree . He is most likely close to Cal and the players that played here last year . I bet he hopes UK wins while those 3 players play well .

With that said I most definitely wouldn’t have advised this just because we know how fans can be lol.
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My last post on this because everyone on twitter is also freaking out.

Going to give him a pass considering it's his old coach and 3 of his UK teammates that now play for Arkansa.

We all know Reed is blue and I'm already disliking what I see out of our fans.
No Reed isnt Blue , He can F off far as I'm concerned ..... least it wasnt a Jack Gohlke jersey .
He’s supporting Cow for letting him stay on the bench and learn
I don't understand these people. Cal didn't do Reed Sheppard any favors. Cal truly has some kind of magical powers that makes those he abuse love him. It is the craziest thing I have ever seen. After seeing this nonsense, I am even happier that we don't have a single player Cal coached.
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I don't understand these people. Cal didn't do Reed Sheppard any favors. Cal truly has some kind of magically powers that makes those he abuse love him. It is the craziest thing I have ever seen. After seeing this nonsense, I am even happier that we don't have a single player Cal coached.
Con men are good at fooling morons and suckers. The world has plenty of them.
Do these people think Cal is going to be admitted for therapy if he gets booed. We know while at UK he didn't handle criticism but come on. Coaches ask players to be mentally tough when going into hostile environment. Are coaches that fragile?
I don't understand these people. Cal didn't do Reed Sheppard any favors. Cal truly has some kind of magically powers that makes those he abuse love him. It is the craziest thing I have ever seen. After seeing this nonsense, I am even happier that we don't have a single player Cal coached.
I still would have liked adou here. Pope wouldn’t have had him just standing in a corner and doing iso ball.
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If supporting Cal was so important to Reed, how many times has he worn Arkansas gear this season? Why does he feel the need to do so today? In my opinion, this was not the game to do that to the fanbase that supported Reed so strongly. Give me WCS over Reed all day, every day.
There's a reason players didn't stick around under Cal. As you mature and get more knowledge, you start to see a used car salesman for what he is. No offense to used car salesman.
Some members of the fanbase are far too sensitive.
I don't like it, but oh well. As long as Reed isn't a dick/doesn't start actively bashing Kentucky I'm not going to root against him.
Damn folks of all the former players a Kentucky boy makes this decision. I'm legit tore up about this choice. I guess he thought his legendary status here meant he could do no wrong to the BBN. He chose poorly!
I don't see why he was legendary? His dad yes. Him? I only remember him throwing the ball 4 rows up in the stands vs Oakland. Just because you are born here doesn't make you a legend.
If supporting Cal was so important to Reed, how many times has he worn Arkansas gear this season? Why does he feel the need to do so today? In my opinion, this was not the game to do that to the fanbase that supported Reed so strongly. Give me WCS over Reed all day, every day.
Yup. He could visit the Arkansas team and wear their gear. He could wear an Arkansas t-shirt to one of their games to support his old coach and teammates. I don’t mind.

Wearing the opposing team’s shirt on GAME DAY is just…dumb. His head must have grown 10 sizes to Make him think he could get away with that. Guess his time in the g league didn’t humble him.
I'll ask again. Do his parents still come to UK games, or were they just riding on the coattails of Reed? Their, both Reed and parent's, utter silence when it came to the possibility of Reed coming back to UK or even WANTING to come back, spoke volumes to me. Reed sold his soul to Calipari, he probably thinks he wouldn't be ultra rich if it wasn't for Cal because on some other team he may have been planted on the bench to "learn" behind others. Just a hop along the way for a Cal guy.
Some members of the fanbase are far too sensitive.
I don't like it, but as long as Reed isn't a dick/doesn't start actively bashing Kentucky I'm not going to root against him.
Same! On the other hand I will no longer follow his professional career or support him. He’s just persona non grata now. He no longer exists. Before, I actively wanted him to succeed. Now I don’t care.
Some members of the fanbase are far too sensitive.
I don't like it, but oh well. As long as Reed isn't a dick/doesn't start actively bashing Kentucky I'm not going to root against him.
He seems to be well on his way to becoming a dick. Shep knows exactly how most fans feel about Cal, so he deserves whatever crap he gets.
I don't see why he was legendary? His dad yes. Him? I only remember him throwing the ball 4 rows up in the stands vs Oakland. Just because you are born here doesn't make you a legend.
His coach also had one of the worst game plans for a tourney game I can ever remember. Let’s run the offense through an injured tre Mitchell, the dumbest damn game plan ever.
I mean kids came here because of Cal. So why on earth should anyone be surprised when one of those kids shows support.

He had UK shorts on. I’m sure he still wants UK to win the game.
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Much ado about nothing. He played for the man. That pic didn't bother me one bit.
Come on now. You know this isn’t the same. BOTH of his parents played for UK. He grew up in Kentucky. He isn’t DJ Wagner.
Of course

I know people here can’t stand Cal but to Reed he’s probably thankful that Cal played a part in him getting drafted where he was at. I can’t fault him for supporting that.

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