Reed drops 25

If you hold a grudge aganist Reed and are over the age of 6, you probably also eat out, run up a $ 300 bill.....and then leave a $ 5.00 tip and scurry out the door when your waitress is in the back. 🤣

PS, I'm a boomer.........just not a petulant one. I was raised to suck it up and be a man. TIA
If you are over the age of 6 and call people names or insult their character based on a thread on a message board then you aren't as mature as you would like to think you are and are probably more petulant than you think you are.
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It really is something to see, and not in a good way. There’s a ton of dirtbags in this world to despise. Reed isn’t one of them, lmao.
He is no dirtbag , he comes from a great UK family , and he supported our opponent in the biggest game of the year . Several things can be true at once , I rooted my ass for him . He failed horribly in big games . He cashed in , made the right call , sucked against the door dash guy , got his ass handed to him by older players , looked good in blue , hit a game winner … see how this works ??? He “ got paid bro “ now go root on your boy Johny C in the NIT and be happy . Pig souee and all .
I wish him all the success but will never consider him one of us. He is a Cal guy, not a UK guy. He made that clear
I find it extremely odd that of all the players, Reed not only chose Cal over Kentucky, but chose to do it the way he did. How does Reed Sheppard grow up with parents he had, play for their school, fulfill a dream to play at Kentucky himself, and then openly support an opposing coach and team on game day? 'Young kid decision' or not, it's pretty wild that he chose his side in the manner he did. Definitely a Cal type move.
He wore our opponent's tshirt on the day we played them. He supported the coach over the school. How do you not understand that, and think it's "petty" that Kentucky fans have a negative reaction to that?? Seriously? Such a weird take on this.

IU fans picked Knight over IU.

It's like wearing a tshirt with the British Red Ensign on the 4th of July.
Did he not have UK gear on too?

"A 20 year old touched me!!"
"I never did anything silly when I was 20! How dare he !!"

a man is kneeling on another man with the word butthurt written on the bottom

It’s true, all we will remember is how that team underachieved and how he went out scoring like 4 points in the most important two games of the year.
And then showed after the season was over that he was always Cal-first, not UK-first.
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So Drew Franklin said when all the stuff with him wearing the Arkansas gear came out that Stacy had been spotted wearing Arkansas gear early in the season. Was anyone able to confirm this? If so then it probably wasn't just a "kid" (if you want to call a 20 year old a kid) making a dumb decision.
I think we can all agree that the shirt takes precedence. I could maybe even be ok with it if it were reversed. The guy rocked an Arkansas shirt the day we played them. There's not much more to say after that.
And that’s fine that so many of you feel that way. I didn’t have any more emotion about the Ark game than any other SEC game (I am incredibly thankful Cal left on his own and didn’t stick us with a miserable season with him as coach or a big buyout bill), so Reed supporting both his coach and his old team didn’t bother me. Certainly not like some on here who wished him ill.
If Jeff could have made 45 million after one season here he would have went to the NBA too. I'm not sure why people don't get that. Of course Reeds legacy at UK was a poor ending n March.

We have had a ton of 4 year players fail for 4 years but get the Rockstar treatment on here. 0 final fours and 0 national titles but Rafters loves a loser, as long as they stay to lose 4 seasons.
And that’s fine that so many of you feel that way. I didn’t have any more emotion about the Ark game than any other SEC game (I am incredibly thankful Cal left on his own and didn’t stick us with a miserable season with him as coach or a big buyout bill), so Reed supporting both his coach and his old team didn’t bother me. Certainly not like some on here who wished him ill.
Pretty fair post. We are all (most) UK fans and have our favorite players, team, moments in UK history etc. along with our differing opinions, which we are entitled to. I certainly don't wish him ill will just like I don't randomly wish ill will on any other NBA player. I also understand (because I am one ) those who are disappointed in him for that decision and are indifferent towards him now. The post about Oscar yesterday meant more to me than reading Reed had 25 last night.

Young and old make poor choices at times. If he sees the disconnect that his choice created and he wishes to amend that, then maybe in the future he can. I don't know the answer to that. IMO though, it's bad to be critical of those that just do not feel a connection to him any longer just like it's bad to wish him ill will.
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If Jeff could have made 45 million after one season here he would have went to the NBA too. I'm not sure why people don't get that. Of course Reeds legacy at UK was a poor ending n March.

We have had a ton of 4 year players fail for 4 years but get the Rockstar treatment on here. 0 final fours and 0 national titles but Rafters loves a loser, as long as they stay to lose 4 seasons.

The only ones that I can think of that fit your criteria are Bogans, Prince, and the unforgettables. Maybe some other Tubby era role player types, but I don't think people are calling Gerald Fitch a rockstar.
And that’s fine that so many of you feel that way. I didn’t have any more emotion about the Ark game than any other SEC game (I am incredibly thankful Cal left on his own and didn’t stick us with a miserable season with him as coach or a big buyout bill), so Reed supporting both his coach and his old team didn’t bother me. Certainly not like some on here who wished him ill.

Can you imagine how miserable it would be to be a bubble team right now? He would be a dead man walking with $27M hanging over our heads.
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If Jeff could have made 45 million after one season here he would have went to the NBA too. I'm not sure why people don't get that. Of course Reeds legacy at UK was a poor ending n March.

We have had a ton of 4 year players fail for 4 years but get the Rockstar treatment on here. 0 final fours and 0 national titles but Rafters loves a loser, as long as they stay to lose 4 seasons.
You can probably count the number of people truly upset about him getting the money on one hand. Most everyone understands that and would've done the same. No, this is about the game day shirt and him publicly and proudly choosing a side. Like he dumped UK and BBN or something. Like saying "I'm a former Calipari player" and not "Go Cats!".
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You can probably count the number of people truly upset about him getting the money on one hand. Most everyone understands that and would've done the same. No, this is about the game day shirt and him publicly and proudly choosing a side. Like he dumped UK and BBN or something. Like saying "I'm a former Calipari player" and not "Go Cats!".
Forget about us adults. What about the kids who idolized him in the Bluegrass?