Reed drops 25

Pretty fair post. We are all (most) UK fans and have our favorite players, team, moments in UK history etc. along with our differing opinions, which we are entitled to. I certainly don't wish him ill will just like I don't randomly wish ill will on any other NBA player. I also understand (because I am one ) those who are disappointed in him for that decision and are indifferent towards him now. The post about Oscar yesterday meant more to me than reading Reed had 25 last night.

Young and old make poor choices at times. If he sees the disconnect that his choice created and he wishes to amend that, then maybe in the future he can. I don't know the answer to that. IMO though, it's bad to be critical of those that just do not feel a connection to him any longer just like it's bad to wish him ill will.
Most of the people upset about it wish him ill will. At least on here.
Reed screwed up wearing the Arky shirt he also wore UK shorts. Clearly he was supporting Coach Cal and thought that he could support his former HC and Kentucky.

You guys need to give it a break... I'm sure in Reed eyes it was harmless. We got posters on this board that never want him to associate with Kentucky again which is crazy. I'm sure these same people already welcomed Pitino back into the fold.

Dude is still 20 years old.. if you want to go be mad at someone go check out Rex Chapman tweets.
damn dude he said he was true blue but cal was his coach.
Idgad what he said. Actions are louder than words and his were loud. Had he not been from KY then you could understand the mistake but being from KY he knew what he was doing and the reaction it would get. So screw em.
Who cares? Might it have been tone deaf? Sure. People would still cry if he wore a UK shirt with Arky shorts. Reed Sheppard was good here. He also should not have been #3 in the draft either. Also, in the NBA, it’s not about how much you can score; it’s about how much you give up. Scorers are a dime-a-dozen at that level.
Idgad what he said. Actions are louder than words and his were loud. Had he not been from KY then you could understand the mistake but being from KY he knew what he was doing and the reaction it would get. So screw em.
if you cant let the young man support a coach who helped put him where he is you need to step back and and look at stuff thru a different lense
Until he violated his contract and was told he could move on, on his own, or be fired for breaching his contract.
Yep. Cal was being cute and didn't think it through. He had no intentions of leaving imo. You could see it on his face at the ARK presser like what on earth is happening here.
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