
Realistically we’re 25-30, just on the outside looking in. That’s how we will start the season but it will be short lived. I’d say we’ll hover around 20 for much of the year and be out in the second round. If we get Lanier or Robinson that boosts us to maybe top 15 and Sweet 16.
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I wouldn't usually, but when I DO just make my point and then someone calls me an idiot WHILE making those errors... yeah, I'm gonna point it out
I get it. I would probably do the same. We all get sucked into from time to time. It is just sad when someone is losing an argument they turn to something else to try to get us off our game.
Realistically we’re 25-30, just on the outside looking in. That’s how we will start the season but it will be short lived. I’d say we’ll hover around 20 for much of the year and be out in the second round. If we get Lanier or Robinson that boosts us to maybe top 15 and Sweet 16.
I feel like as is we are top 20 to 15. If we get Robinson we are top 10 legit team. Lanier I do not think moves the needle that much. I will be optimistic about this team till they prove me wrong.
I’m a big of Lanier but he’s only had 1 good season and we already have a bunch of guards. I suppose Chandler and the Kentucky boys won’t play much this year and Oweh and Brea could play small forward when needed to make him a good fit.
lol seriously? I can’t speak all of the others you tagged but I literally responded to what was said in the post, therefore, I didn’t bring it up lol… good effort though. You clearly didn’t read what I said and are putting words in my mouth...

It amazes me, that I still see these types of posts, the " I am not excited", " I am not impressed", " we need …." So many still hung up the Cal way

This you?

Not taking anything away from the rest of your post, but you literally did bring up Cal. That's my point - the only people still bringing up Cal are the people who are telling other people "you're hung up on Cal." If somebody's being doom and gloom because we don't have multiple 5 star freshmen, then yeah this would be a valid criticism. But I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing valid concerns about our roster strength met with "oh, I guess you want it CAL'S WAY then."
This you?

Not taking anything away from the rest of your post, but you literally did bring up Cal. That's my point - the only people still bringing up Cal are the people who are telling other people "you're hung up on Cal." If somebody's being doom and gloom because we don't have multiple 5 star freshmen, then yeah this would be a valid criticism. But I'm not seeing that. I'm seeing valid concerns about our roster strength met with "oh, I guess you want it CAL'S WAY then."
Your point still doesnt make sense … Again ….. I’m responding to the posts speaking of Cal and across all threads. I was clear on that by bringing in things said across multiple threads. Stop twisting it to fit your point of view. I may not have even been speaking to something you said, I didn’t even point anyone out. On top of my post clearly being jovial. Plus, I’m speaking to his recruiting methods in general, not the man himself and if you haven’t seen people being doom and gloom over not having 5 star freshmen then you’re only seeing what you want to see. Stop making it personal - when someone speaks to you directly then fire away, until then let it go. You’ve been clear you don’t agree, and you’re concerned …, OK? I stand by what I said and so will you. It is what it is
Your point still doesnt make sense … Again ….. I’m responding to the posts speaking of Cal and across all threads. I was clear on that by bringing in things said across multiple threads. Stop twisting it to fit your point of view. I may not have even been speaking to something you said, I didn’t even point anyone out. On top of my post clearly being jovial. Plus, I’m speaking to his recruiting methods in general, not the man himself and if you haven’t seen people being doom and gloom over not having 5 star freshmen then you’re only seeing what you want to see. Stop making it personal - when someone speaks to you directly then fire away, until then let it go. You’ve been clear you don’t agree, and you’re concerned …, OK? I stand by what I said and so will you. It is what it is

1, I hadn't posted in this thread when you made your post, so this has nothing to do with whether you were speaking to me

2, I've not at all "made this personal." If I'm reading your post correctly, you think it's out of line for someone to respond to you disagreeing with you or criticizing your point of view unless you were directly addressing them. You're posting in a public forum, your thoughts you post are open to criticism. It's out of line for someone to insult you or demean you, its not out of line to express disagreement with the words you broadcast in public. If you can't handle someone responding to your public comments, that's a you problem, and the solution is to stop making public comments.

The point of forums like this is discussion. I'm just continuing the discussion. I intended no ill will or insult toward you. I'm only criticizing the ideas expressed.
1, I hadn't posted in this thread when you made your post, so this has nothing to do with whether you were speaking to me

2, I've not at all "made this personal." If I'm reading your post correctly, you think it's out of line for someone to respond to you disagreeing with you or criticizing your point of view unless you were directly addressing them. You're posting in a public forum, your thoughts you post are open to criticism. It's out of line for someone to insult you or demean you, its not out of line to express disagreement with the words you broadcast in public. If you can't handle someone responding to your public comments, that's a you problem, and the solution is to stop making public comments.

The point of forums like this is discussion. I'm just continuing the discussion. I intended no ill will or insult toward you. I'm only criticizing the ideas expressed.
Ok Karen
With all due respect, it's you people who are still hung up on Cal. Nobody's bringing up Cal other than you. Cal needed to go (I get why we weren't going to spend $40M+ to fire him but he needed to be gone a couple years earlier). But you're all still looking at things through a Cal-centric lens - you just think that since Cal was bad, doing something else MUST be good. And I think you're setting yourselves up for disappointment.

We'll be good, I think. We're NOT going to be as good as we eventually need to be. Pope is going to have to get more talent. And prove that he can assemble and coach high level teams - remember, he's never won a tournament game. But that's fine. I'm excited to see how this year goes. But I think he's going to have to grow into this job and we're going to have to get stronger rosters than we're able to get starting from absolutely zero in April. Again, that's fine - I think we will.

But remember our good teams from the pre-Cal era. I'm not even talking FF/championship teams, just the GOOD teams. 2005 had Azabuike and Rondo and Hayes. 2003 had Bogans, who was an ELITE recruit. 1995 had Delk and McCarty and Walker. 1992 had Mashburn. 1988 had Rex and Bennett. In other words - they had DUDES. Do you see one of them on this roster? I don't. Pointing that out isn't being hung up on Cal. Pretending it's not a concern, like you are, is you being hung up on Cal.
You quoted me so I'll reply. I'm not the least hung up on Cal. I used the last few years to compare to my thoughts on next year because that's what you do. Did you want me to compare it to one of Tubby's years? Or what about one of Hall's or Rupp's?
I think there’s good reason for optimism. Can’t wait for the season to start. There are some concerns about familiarity with the system and whatnot.

Also, I’m really new to this website and randomly started to experience an issue with my primary account where it says: “You have insufficient privileges to post here.” Does anyone know how to fix that or why it happens?
Not sure how the starting lineup will compare talent wise to top teams, but our bench should be one of the best it appears.
So when should we expect Final Fours and Championships? Are we supposed to give Pope and company a mulligan this coming year because it's his first year? Also, is year 2 when we can go back to Kentucky standards?
A mulligan is a do-over. Pope has had a month to assemble a team from scratch. No players returning. Rick Pitino had players returning and went 13-13. Pitino is the measuring stick for rebuilding. (And when you're replacing everything it's much more than rebuilding.)

Lots of people don't have realistic expectations. And what's worse: they phrase those expectations as demands. There's an old expression for noisy disappointment, "He went off in a huff." This place has so much huffing, it's like a 19th century train station.
