Razaorback fans are pissed (Monk related)

the guy actually says it's garbage that a player would want to go to school for one year and then the nba.

So, that idiot thinks that it is horrible that he will be one and done, at UK, but it would have been ok at Ark? Or does he possibly think that Ark is so bad, that he would have had to return for a soph season at Ark? What a joke and what a jerk.
So this guy says he wouldn't be upset if he went to Duke or Kansas. Only UK recruits one and dones huh. What rock has this guy been under?
I had to laugh when he said he wouldn't of had a problem had he gone to Puke or Norh Carolina because they do it the right way. LMAO!!!!!! This guy is sooooo out of touch with reality. It must be horrible to go through life with sour grapes!