Yeah, I wonder if he actually lives in Boyle County. Freddie Maggard and Dave Baker did the radio and they were out of their minds over the talent and quality of Boyle and Corbin. I don't think I care for high schools being able to recruit out of area players (non-residents as they call them). That isn't as easy for mountain schools as it is for central Kentucky schools. I'm not sure when KHSAA started allowing this but I don't think it's good for the game. The number of D1 and P5 level players coming out of Boyle, a school with 850 students, is mindboggling.
Looked it up, Quisenberry is from Garrard County as is another of their better players.
Boyle County has a very prominent “legal guardian” system wherein people in the area sign their children away to others, so they can attend Boyle County schools.
I have been told by people moving to the area that their realtor pushed this idea on them when they were considering a home purchase within the Danville school boundary.
It’s been going on for years and local residents talk openly about who their child’s legal guardian is. It’s creepy, IMO.