Quetion about UNC

Won't know until the COI makes their ruling. Probably in Jan if I had to guess.
Is this a joke? Of course they will be able to play in the tourney. NCAA won't ruin Roy's chance at a good run.They will pay the NCAA off.
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Yeah, they can take years. Look at Syracuse. Partly they give the school time to assess its own penalty. Then, if, as in "cuse's case they add to it if necessary. Don't hold your breath for uncheat to penalize itself much, if any. NCAA really does not want to drop the hammer on them, but may if uncheat tries to skate.
Let them play.

I want to see year 7 with no final four.
I think we will know something soon. My guess is only a 2 year post season ban, so I don't see how they will play in the big dance next year.

That is a big blow to them as they will field a top 5 team next year.
NCAA will hold off long enough for them to play in the big dance. Then year after when they're not good enough to make it, they will get banned. Means more money for NCAA. They're not going to punish themselves.
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