Question to our attorneys re: The Yum Center lease


Nov 19, 2005
Proud of Mike Harmon investigating the Yum lease. However it will have to pass to lawmakers and elected officials to correct it. Will they do the right thing? Question for the Attorneys? Improbable as it seems would the tax payors of Jefferson County and possibly the State have the grounds to file a class action suit allegeding they were wronged by this scam of a lease? It seems to have been negotiated by UL with UL. The financing of the Arena might be solid but the split of revenues is horrid. UL as a tenant receives almost all the revenue and threatens the repayment. How is that an equitable deal for we the taxpayers who assumed that our elected officials would treat us fairly?
Proud of Mike Harmon investigating the Yum lease. However it will have to pass to lawmakers and elected officials to correct it. Will they do the right thing? Question for the Attorneys? Improbable as it seems would the tax payors of Jefferson County and possibly the State have the grounds to file a class action suit allegeding they were wronged by this scam of a lease? It seems to have been negotiated by UL with UL. The financing of the Arena might be solid but the split of revenues is horrid. UL as a tenant receives almost all the revenue and threatens the repayment. How is that an equitable deal for we the taxpayers who assumed that our elected officials would treat us fairly?

Is there new news on the lease? I thought this was a done deal with the recent Kentucky state senant extension of the TIF time and committment of state tax funds to fill short falls.
Also people of Kentucky should be emailing their elected officials on the matter. If a ton of pressure were to come down, you might see something happen.
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Also people of Kentucky should be emailing their elected officials on the matter. If a ton of pressure were to come down, you might see something happen.

What needs to happen now is an audit of the ULAA . The more corruption that is revealed the better chance of the public demanding the sham lease be renegotiated.
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Would taxpayers have a legal course of action for being mistreated by politicians who are acting in the best interests of the public?
Would taxpayers have a legal course of action for being mistreated by politicians who are acting in the best interests of the public?
Probably not by a lawsuit . It s my understanding an individual taxpayer does not have "standing" to bring such a suit. However , the remedy is to contact your state legislator and tell her/him your dissatisfaction with taxpayer money being used to give UL an annual 18 million dollar competitive advantage in sports over U.K. And the other state universities. Numerous legislators are upset about House Bill 330 passed in the last session at the last minute to avoid questions which furthered the boondoggle and an effort to repeal it will be made in the next session.

I have discussed it with about fifteen legislators and interestingly have not had any push back yet .

Louisville s scandals have been laid bare and more people now realize what a boondoggle Yum is .
Also people of Kentucky should be emailing their elected officials on the matter.
Absolutely. And when we do so, there is a productive way to do this. State your rational concerns AS A KENTUCKY TAXPAYER, and be respectful to the elected official. Keep it short and to the point. Don't frame it in terms of your fan loyalties (which is a distraction to the point), and don't talk down to the elected official.
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Most of the elected officials IMO have no clue how to handle it and had rather just not deal with it,or so deep they want it to go away.