Question about a nerve block (Done at UK Advanced Center for Surgery)


Oct 6, 2014
I had a knee allograft of the femoral condial? I think that is what it was called, and they gave me a nerve block, but I still feel quite a bit of pain in my knee and told them before I left that I did, basically all they said was "sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't" which is fine, but my question is why can I not feel my lower leg like at all? My calf and half of my foot are 100% numb, should I be worried or is this normal?

Dr. Latterman was my doctor (who btw is absolutely amazing)
This post was edited on 2/9 9:18 PM by Dreklie

This post was edited on 2/9 11:30 PM by Dreklie
So you're going paralyzed...and instead of calling Dr. Latterman's office, you post on a sports message board?
Originally posted by ukrjr1:
So you're going paralyzed...and instead of calling Dr. Latterman's office, you post on a sports message board?
Why even reply again to my comment after I already explained away your troll ass comment on my other post? It's not paralyzed. I can move my foot, it is just mostly numb. Good god man.
24 hour rule. If the pain is still the same at this time tomorrow, get it resolved. You are the patient. Don't know about UKAC, but at our hospital, pain is dealt with.

(Edit. Treat numbness like pain. You should be fine in the AM. Takes 24-36 hrs for a nerve block to totally dissipate)
This post was edited on 2/9 11:33 PM by GhostVol
Originally posted by GhostVol:
24 hour rule. If the pain is still the same at this time tomorrow, get it resolved. You are the patient. Don't know about UKAC, but at our hospital, pain is dealt with.

(Edit. Treat numbness like pain. You should be fine in the AM. Takes 24-36 hrs for a nerve block to totally dissipate)
This post was edited on 2/9 11:33 PM by GhostVol
Thank you very much, was worried there for a minute. Really appreciate the answer.

Not so much worried about the pain, as it's tolerable, but I was worried about the numbness start right below where it should.
This post was edited on 2/9 11:45 PM by Dreklie
So you got a procedure that you aren't sure what it's called and your leg is numb...ok, man. Sounds like you're looking for the best way to shop for more pain pills. How about you try a 12 step program, addict?
Originally posted by Dreklie:

Thank you very much, was worried there for a minute. Really appreciate the answer.
See, I told you this was the place to ask. I can guide you through your Rivals experience, you just have to trust me.
Originally posted by Dreklie:
My calf and half of my foot are 100% numb, should I be worried or is this normal?

Perfectly normal. It just means your leg fell asleep.
I've had my foot and leg go numb like that. The trick is to turn around on the toilet and lay your reading material on the back of the bowl. Way more comfortable even though you do have to remove your pants and underwear completely.
First - never be afraid to call your Dr.'s office. Even if it's just to gain a little piece of mind. So, do so.

Second - A nerve block isn't designed to stop your pain completely. It's designed to get you through the surgery and possibly the first 48-72 hrs.......they can have some lingering effects which can last up to a wk, but your Physical Therapist will notice this more than you will most likely.

Third - It is common to have distal numbness. Could be from the nerve block......just have to wait it out. Could be from the surgery itself......just have to wait it out. Could be from swelling/circulation.....elevate it. And yes, in some cases there are worse things.

Fourth - Call your Dr.