Our success has been great & ive enjoyed it, yes. Though I'm not a Cal fan, I certainly recognize that he's done an excellent job.
I'm not sure what I'm looking for in a coach, to be honest. Some I would get excited about would be a Shaka Smart, Brad Stevens types...energetic types, exciting brand of basketball, etc. I'm not saying that I think Cal should be replaced by them. That would be silly. Just a couple of coaches that I like.
i don't really buy into the dread of what would happen if he leaves. Sure, the level of success over the past 7 years wouldn't be duplicated, most likely anyway. But there would be good, quality, successful coaches with interest, I have no doubt. And we would still be UK
Though I can't argue with the success, I don't really like how Cal has branded our program. The quick gateway to the NBA...the face of the OAD system, etc.
I realize that in the eyes of most that makes me a Louseyville fan, hater, troll, etc.