PTI saying pelicans go after Calipari


Feb 12, 2009
Basically saying with davis and tyreke who they want to keep....that they wil make a run for cal.

Hoping they have no luck.
Update. Tomorrow on PTI they will be talking about how contract extension for Cal at UK is just a ploy for the Pelicans to start a bidding war.;)
IMO the constant buzz about Calipari and the NBA is and will continue to hurt UK recruiting until he makes a declaration that he is not interested in the NBA. IMO where there is smoke there is fire. I do not think NBA teams would continue to go after Calipari if he wasn't to some extent encouraging their interest. IMO the recruits whose dream is to go to the NBA are going to think that coaches also have that dream and will be less likely to sign with UK.

This seem to be becoming a rerun of Pitinos final few years at UK where there was constant rumors of Rick going to the Pros and it was hurting recruiting.
Basically saying with davis and tyreke who they want to keep....that they wil make a run for cal.

Hoping they have no luck.

PTI has so many minutes of on air time to fill. They make the news up to draw viewers. Just my two cents.
IMO the constant buzz about Calipari and the NBA is and will continue to hurt UK recruiting until he makes a declaration that he is not interested in the NBA. IMO where there is smoke there is fire. I do not think NBA teams would continue to go after Calipari if he wasn't to some extent encouraging their interest. IMO the recruits whose dream is to go to the NBA are going to think that coaches also have that dream and will be less likely to sign with UK.

This seem to be becoming a rerun of Pitinos final few years at UK where there was constant rumors of Rick going to the Pros and it was hurting recruiting.

Yeah it really hurt us, in 1996 we win it all, in 1997 we lose in the finals, in 1998 we win it all. God, how did we ever get through the bad times with our coaches being wanted by the pros. And now with Cal, we only go to the final four almost every year, I'm not sure I can take all of this hurting recruiting. If this continues we're go to the finals every year with all the pro talk.
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Yeah it really hurt us, in 1996 we win it all, in 1997 we lose in the finals, in 1998 we win it all. God, how did we ever get through the bad times with our coaches being wanted by the pros. And now with Cal, we only go to the final four almost every year, I'm not sure I can take all of this hurting recruiting. If this continues we go to the finals every year with all the pro talk.

I will take a guess and say that anytime during this last season when anyone dare mention anything about coaching your response was 29-0 or 31-0 etc. Some people like to take a proactive approach while others are reactionary. Pretty simple to tell which camp you are in.
Every year during the NBA playoffs there is always Cal to such and such team rumors. He signing a new contract extension so I highly doubt he is going anywhere.
Yeah it really hurt us, in 1996 we win it all, in 1997 we lose in the finals, in 1998 we win it all. God, how did we ever get through the bad times with our coaches being wanted by the pros. And now with Cal, we only go to the final four almost every year, I'm not sure I can take all of this hurting recruiting. If this continues we go to the finals every year with all the pro talk.
On top of that, wouldn't it make so much sense to tell your employer that there's no way you'll leave, thereby killing most of your future leverage for a raise?
I will take a guess and say that anytime during this last season when anyone dare mention anything about coaching your response was 29-0 or 31-0 etc. Some people like to take a proactive approach while others are reactionary. Pretty simple to tell which camp you are in.
So then you're bragging that you possessed the incredible level-headedness to be on here complaining about coaching mid-season when Cal was in the midst of the most successful first 6 years at a new school of any coach in D1 HISTORY except maybe Roy at UNC?

Some people are able to put small emotional ups and downs in perspective of the bigger picture and others aren't. The latter include children and people who never grew up. Pretty simple to tell which camp you are in.
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On top of that, wouldn't it make so much sense to tell your employer that there's no way you'll leave, thereby killing most of your future leverage for a raise?

Yeah...cause when you're only making like $5-6 million bucks per year, it's very important to do everything possible to keep "your future leverage for a raise..."
Don't want the kids to go hungry. :)
That show USED to be so good. Then Tony turned into a babbling old man with Alzheimer and Wilbon became even more racist and ignorant. Just totally unwatchable now.
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Yeah...cause when you're only making like $5-6 million bucks per year, it's very important to do everything possible to keep "your future leverage for a raise..."
Don't want the kids to go hungry. :)
So you're a cranky old get-off-my-lawn type guy who hates change and also a whiny socialist who holds it against people who want to get the most compensation possible for their work and wants to tell others what is reasonable for them to earn?

You're literally the worst part of both sides of the coin.

Bravo, I guess?
IMO the constant buzz about Calipari and the NBA is and will continue to hurt UK recruiting until he makes a declaration that he is not interested in the NBA. IMO where there is smoke there is fire. I do not think NBA teams would continue to go after Calipari if he wasn't to some extent encouraging their interest. IMO the recruits whose dream is to go to the NBA are going to think that coaches also have that dream and will be less likely to sign with UK.

This seem to be becoming a rerun of Pitinos final few years at UK where there was constant rumors of Rick going to the Pros and it was hurting recruiting.

We, the undesigned, have dreams of going to the NBA and would never sign with a school that has a coach that is wanted by the NBA.


John Wall, DeMarcus Cousins, Eric Bedsoe, Daniel Orton, Enes Kanter, Brandon Knight, Anthony Davis, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, Terrance Jones, Marques Teague, Doron Lamb, Darius Miller, Nerlens Noel, Archie Goodwin, Julius Randle, James Young, Willie Caulie Stein, Andrew Harrison, Aaron Harrison, Devin Booker, Alex Poythress, Trey Lyles, Daraki Johnson, Marcus Lee, Karl Anthony-Townes, Tyler Ulis, Isaiah Briscoe, Skal Labissiere, and Charles Matthews.
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A couple things that stand out to me but other than that, who knows.

-Coach Cal may have to now take a pay cut to leave.
-Or is the Pelican (Is that becoming a seudo name for tthe dirty birds now?) owners paying 9 mil per season? I think with the added time invested Coach Cal would have to demand a raise as he'd now be involved with the process a whole lot more as it would be mandatory then...(As I understand it he works like he does because he loves it now.)
-How long is their guarantee or contract? If it rivals 7 years at at least 9 million who knows what Coach will decide....

-I said the above to say this: It doesn't look good on paper for Coach Cal to leave but since I have witnessed this past recruit signing season ---who knows anything anymore (I thought one or two would fall UK's way. I always stated my ignorance when it comes to basketball knowledge so I have an out.)...sigh...jmo
So you're a cranky old get-off-my-lawn type guy who hates change and also a whiny socialist who holds it against people who want to get the most compensation possible for their work and wants to tell others what is reasonable for them to earn?

You're literally the worst part of both sides of the coin.

Bravo, I guess?

Bravo indeed!!! The information you're able to gather just off a short random post on a message board is amazing & impressive!!! Kudos!!!

I would ask you for the lottery numbers but for one small issue....your description of me couldn't have been farther off had you tried.... lol
Anyone who would go back & look at Coach Cal's prior NBA record & think to themselves, "this guy is worth 9 million dollars a year to coach my team..." can safely be described as an idiot.

The thought that an NBA player, any NBA player, can only be happy if they get to play for one specific coach, or even the coach they prefer, is absurd.
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When Davis leaves NO... to be a Laker, or more likely a Chicago Bull...

that's when I might put stock in the Cal-to-NBA rumors. Not now, though. is the perfect timing on that one. Thibodeau is out regardless of what happens, so opening now to go coach Rose and a team that is already contending in the East with a good shot at getting AD soon. They get someone else in who performs and the GM's love, and he could be there a while.
The rumors will continue because Cal has an agent. An agent likes to make money. You can argue all day till you're blue in the face about if Cal is interested or not interested but his agent will continue to field those calls because interest gets sides talking and contracts renegotiated. It's no coincidence UK is once again working on a new deal for Cal with all these rumors flying. They will do what it takes to keep him and Cal's agent isn't an idiot.
I believe it was reported that the GM fired Monty because they were battling each other for more control. I don't see Cal going to the pros unless he had as much control as possible with the team therefore I do not see any chance of Cal going to N.O.
Bravo indeed!!! The information you're able to gather just off a short random post on a message board is amazing & impressive!!! Kudos!!!

I would ask you for the lottery numbers but for one small issue....your description of me couldn't have been farther off had you tried.... lol
Yeah. Because I certainly was trying to paint an accurate picture of you rather than point out how mindless and trollish your posts are.

So for example.

I don't think you're the type of person who would actually, in real life, stick your nose in someone's negotiations and tell them that they're making too much.

I think that was a throwaway line from you regarding Cal because it's Cal. That guy that you have a mild dislike for who is coaching UK.

You wouldn't take the same crack at somebody else. Sort of like how you don't hold any other coach up to the standard that you hold Cal in terms of accomplishments. He does better than every other coach out there, has the best or second best first 6 years at a new program in CBB history, and yet any time you bring him up, you're complaining about him.

The joke was the idea that you hold some weird but self-consistent worldview (grumpy old socialist caricature).

The less humorous reality is that there's no consistency to be found from you: You just dislike Cal because you pine for an older model of the program (even if it was less successful on the court than now), and you will criticize him for stuff that you wouldn't for other people because you are predisposed to be displeased with his actions.
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he constant buzz about Calipari and the NBA is and will continue to hurt UK recruiting until he makes a declaration that he is not interested in the NBA. IMO where there is smoke there is fire. I do not think NBA teams would continue to go after Calipari if he wasn't to some extent encouraging their interest. IMO the recruits whose dream is to go to the NBA are going to think that coaches also have that dream and will be less likely to sign with UK.

This seem to be becoming a rerun of Pitinos final few years at UK where there was constant rumors of Rick going to the Pros and it was hurting recruiting.

I agree. If he wants to stay with the Cats then he needs to come straight out and put an end to all the NBA talk each year.
So then you're bragging that you possessed the incredible level-headedness to be on here complaining about coaching mid-season when Cal was in the midst of the most successful first 6 years at a new school of any coach in D1 HISTORY except maybe Roy at UNC?

Some people are able to put small emotional ups and downs in perspective of the bigger picture and others aren't. The latter include children and people who never grew up. Pretty simple to tell which camp you are in.

Would not say that I am bragging at all about pointing out inefficiencies in Cal's coaching rather than pointing out observations from these last 6 years which are easy to see for those choose to see rather than blindly follow. Of course constantly met with criticism and disbelief in how I can question such a god like coach in Calipari. Thus he blows another championship and questions about his coaching come out in full force. Maybe you will say I am bragging but again it is merely observation, you call it what you want. I choose to see, not blindly follow.
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I will take a guess and say that anytime during this last season when anyone dare mention anything about coaching your response was 29-0 or 31-0 etc. Some people like to take a proactive approach while others are reactionary. Pretty simple to tell which camp you are in.

More hypotheticals Cats2010? Just say you don't like Cal, it's ok. Your insinuations on every post are becoming annoying.
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