Program expectations


Oct 29, 2004
When we achieved a second 10 win season, I thought we'd turned the corner. We hammered OOC teams, owned UofL, we're consistently beating Vandy, starting to beat Florida and TN, etc. My expectations at that point were 6 wins was the floor, 7-8 wins were average and a 9+ win season could and would happen every 3 or 4 years. In essence, we were Iowa of the SEC. Probably never going to win the conference or be in the CFP, but we'd win our share and have a solid program. I know others feel like that would be settling, but I would be fine with that program.

I feel our floor now is 4 wins and the ceiling is probably 7, on average. I'm not good with the significant step back. Something drastically needs to change and in a hurry or we'll be cellar dwellars again year in and year out.
Every year the collective conference record for all 16 teams will be .500. It’s a zero sum game. Every extra victory you get is going to have to come from someone else and there isn’t anybody in this league that’s going to give any of them up without a fight. So what would be the percentage we could reasonably expect/demand over time? I don’t know.