Prayer Requests those that earnestly are seeking prayer for someone close to them


Dec 12, 2019
If you're not a believer in or seeker of the God of the Older and Newer Testaments and His son, and therefore are not sincere in your request, please do not post here, but start your own thread for those who are like minded with you.

This thread is for the former, whose loved ones, whether friends, coworkers, family or church family, or acquaintances are sick, preparing for treatment/surgery, or have fallen on hard times. We may not all be close by to help, but we can do our best from where we are as we are able. We've all been there and more will be as life moves along.

Please keep discussions of politics and criticism (positive or negative) of medical and or life choices out of this thread. This is not the place. Thank you
A friend of a friend has requested prayer for their sister. She's suffering from an extreme form of arteritis. All of the blood vessels in her brain are closing. It usually happens over months rather than days, but hers is excelerated. Your prayers are very much appreciated.
With God, all things are possible!

I did not open this thread: it was opened for me, just a moment, ago!

A glitch in programming?

I think not!!
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