Poy will be more productive at the 4 spot

is the op going to bring back a decent 4 to 20 month old thread? or just the tired and old 4 to 20 month old threads? i'd prefer to revisit a more fun 4 to 20 month old thread. cuz these ones recently suck.
Poy's athleticism around the rim can be startling at times. With him and Lee out there on pogo sticks there are going to be some nasty put-back highlights on ESPN.
No s**t. We all know this.... Homeboy!!! Poy's gonna dominate now that he'll be playing the 4 all the time. He's naturally suited to be a 4. As bad as some of us wanted him to be a beast SF a couple years ago, he's just not. He's about to go off this year boys. Bet on it! Look for something like 8pts, 8rbs, 2blks. So yes he's gonna be better at the 4.
^Going off is 8 pts and 8 rbs?

That's good rebounding wise, but yeah I'm not sure 8 points per is going off. He is going to be the 5th option in the starting line up on offense though (if Ulis takes more initiative to look to score that is).
Poythress is going to be an absolute Beast if we really keep him at the 4!!! I can't wait to see it!!
The op is one of a group of people that seem to start threads like they are being paid to generate traffic. They rarely ever post again in any of the threads they start.
8pts, 8rbs, and 2blks would be fine. He's going to be the last offensive option. He'll get 8, or maybe 10 points a game but mostly on lobs and offensive rebounds. Hell. If he averages 8pts and 8rbs to go along with his defense and rebounding and then everyone else does what they're expected to do then we're in pretty damn good shape. I'd say best case for him would be like 10pts, 8rbs. We got some guys who can score.
Lol Poy average 8 pts and 8 rbs . Man I say 12 and 7 rbs.

Count me in the camp who says he averages double digit points. And and 7-8 boards. He will have his 24-11 games. But next game go for 4-6. I hope he finds balance and can do it regularly!! He has every physical tool possible. If that knee is money, so is he.
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