Powell County Montgomery County blow up

I can't tell a lot by this. It seems Montgomery was physical and refs were calling it one way, so Powell walked off the court? Can this be discussed without a fight?
I don’t think I have ever seen this before. I honestly would like to do this in an SEC game at some point. Maybe next time we get three guys with stitches and they have shot 22 FT’s to our 2.
I don’t think I have ever seen this before. I honestly would like to do this in an SEC game at some point. Maybe next time we get three guys with stitches and they have shot 22 FT’s to our 2.
I remember when I played a teammate threw me a pass, I caught it, opponent ran hard up to guard me, double team, as I went up to shoot ref called me for a charge for catching the ball/shooting. I never touched anyone. We knew no matter what we did we were beat. We were.
I don’t think I have ever seen this before. I honestly would like to do this in an SEC game at some point. Maybe next time we get three guys with stitches and they have shot 22 FT’s to our 2.
I'm surprised this hasn't happened in college yet, or more coaches don't blatantly talk about refs.

I would call the NCAA's bluff, if you have a good enough team what are they really going to do? fine you? what if you don't pay it? You think if push comes to shove they are leaving a 3 seed out of the tournament because their coach talked bad about the refs and won't say sorry and pay a fine?
This year or last? Somehow it showed up in my feed today? I knew it wasn't this month. The time stamps look like January.

This year. I didn’t see the game so can’t comment on the officiating, but multiple fights broke out due to frustration and the Powell coach was just trying to protect his kids. It must have been pretty bad because sportsmanship is paramount in our program.
I don't know what this particular event was. Can't see the video. So following isn't a judgement on them.

But for those saying Kentucky should leave the court because some fouls aren't going our way? I've only seen one team do it. Bobby Knight and Indiana. So that shows you the kind of asshole coach and fan base that would support that action.
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I don't know what this particular event was. Can't see the video. So following isn't a judgement on them.

But for those saying Kentucky should leave the court because some fouls aren't going our way? I've only seen one team do it. Bobby Knight and Indiana. So that shows you the kind of asshole coach and fan base that would support that action.


Your players are getting injured with no whistle and on the other end you are getting touch fouls, you might save your season.
This is the way. Imagine if TV had to start filling an two or three hours of empty programming time because teams started to protest these corrupt assed refs. Right now it is the only way I can see cheating getting any kind of attention.

I am sure, if they haven't already, the conferences would make punishing rules to stop it but I would still love to see it.
I live in Powell co. This happened months ago. Powell had played Montgomery earlier in the season and won by 20 I believe.
Back in the 70's, a Powell County Middle School coach walked the entire length of the court and punched the Fleming County coach after the Fleming coach was yelling, screaming, bullying the Powell players. Dude walked right up to him and cold cocked the Fleming coach before he knew what was happening. Blood was everywhere Turns out, the Powell coach was a gold glove boxer in his previous life and was a badass. The game was at Fleming Co, the game was stopped, the Powell coach was arrested.
This is the way. Imagine if TV had to start filling an two or three hours of empty programming time because teams started to protest these corrupt assed refs. Right now it is the only way I can see cheating getting any kind of attention.

I am sure, if they haven't already, the conferences would make punishing rules to stop it but I would still love to see it.
Exactly, I,whine a gamessy UNC Duke game where UNc walked off the court at Cameron or something. Make the refs have oversight, they should be periodically audited too to make sure they aren’t getting money from gamblers because I truly believe some are in on fixing games. At the very least they should have a separate entity grade them and if they are bad they don’t get games, make them answer questions to reporters after games too.
I don't know what this particular event was. Can't see the video. So following isn't a judgement on them.

But for those saying Kentucky should leave the court because some fouls aren't going our way? I've only seen one team do it. Bobby Knight and Indiana. So that shows you the kind of asshole coach and fan base that would support that action.
That is a dumb argument and comparison.

Anyone with half a brain that has watched any SEC games this year can see it. It is blatant at this point. It was different in years past when they wouldn't make it so obvious and you still had chances to win the game. Now its just insane.

We played two games this weekend. One player each game left bloodied and with a foul on a play.
Lamont got called for a tech in OK for doing what was done to Chandler and Oweh.

Walking off the court would be justified. Until teams come together and say enough is enough it won't matter. And since some of these teams (Bama/Auburn) take advantage of it with flops and dirty play, I doubt that will happen. We aren't the only fans saying something. Every other board is upset with it. Rightfully so.

Its garbage and its time to stop defending it or acting like it makes us sore losers. They could also just do their damn jobs and ref a game like its not their first time on earth. If it really does go to the SEC offices and its not just corrupt or incompetent refs. Then peoples jobs should be in jeopardy.

This is all wishful thinking though. We all know what makes the world go round and unfortunately it isn't good character.
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I remember when I played a teammate threw me a pass, I caught it, opponent ran hard up to guard me, double team, as I went up to shoot ref called me for a charge for catching the ball/shooting. I never touched anyone. We knew no matter what we did we were beat. We were.
I got a technical one time for the ball rolled near half court and I picked it up. I heard one of my buddies say watch this cause he knew I was gonna shoot it. I did and splashed it. I held my follow through all the way down the court and got a technical, the only one of my high school career. I didn't care, it looked pimp asf. May God strike me dead. Literally two steps from half court. Dude it killed me tearing my ACL/MCL in the football playoffs senior year. I would've been the all time scorer. And I don't know why but if I air balled my first shot it meant I was having a huge game. Hit 30 or more 5 times. My scoring average rose from 6 my freshman year, on varsity, to 14, to 20. I know people embellish things all the time but everything I'm saying is the Gods honest truth.

At least in my senior year in football I led the state in interceptions and was first team all state in the AP, which was the Lexington Herald and first team all state in the coaches poll which was the Courier Journal. I was the first person in my school's history to be regional player of the year in two sports. I miss being a beast at sports. And I smoked weed before every game on both sports. Took a lot of pain killers with it during football but I tried it once in basketball, painkillers I mean, and rolled my ankle in warmups and couldn't hit shit.
Montgomery coach used to coach at Ashland. Was caught on tape recruiting a kid from Boyd Co to come to Ashland. His roster this year has multiple kids from other schools. He's a slimeball
NCAA officials need to be made salaried employees and held to a strict quality control and auditing process. Limit the number of games they can officiate and where. They need to be graded and evaluated and on a constant basis.

They need to have a review process for calls and an open and transparent accountability procedure. Post game reviews and questions should be openly held, questioned, and evaluated on the spot.

Oversight needs to have sweeping powers to reprimand or penalize officials for bad and / or blown calls.

Officials need to, before games, openly be a part of the process that allows teams to understand HOW the crew is going to call the game, what the emphasis (if any) are going to be made, with a stipulation that the officials need to strictly control (with an eye towards eliminating flopping, overtly physical and overly rough physical play, allow freedom of movement as per the rules, and have control over the game from the opening tip.

All too often these games are hyped and the fans are so worked up with circus like atmospheres that the team coming in, including it's fans, get so worked up by WHATEVER happens in a game, and before you know it, the game and teams are out of control.

Home crowds need to be severely curtailed and home teams penalized if the crowd is actually interrupting the game or otherwise interfering with the proceedings. If there are thrown objects in the immediate aftermath of games, then assess technical fouls AT THE BEGINNING OF THE NEXT GAME with ever increasing fines/technicals and or anything else to dissuade the kind of activity we have been witness to this year.

I'm not even going to go into what they need to do in order to control the excessive game stoppages and in game pauses that break up and destroy any semblance of a game going on.

But the bottom line is that they need to get creative and clampdown on the deplorable state of the game where officiating is concerned. Immediately.
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Seems like a goofy rule. If they fight T up the guys who fought.
Yeah its one of those things where the more that come out the more chance it turns into a bigger mele. Most are not coming out to fight and just posturing to show support of their guys but the more that do come out the more chance it turns into a bigger skirmish and thats the thought behind the rule. Kind of like why you dont leave a gas can close to the wood stove.
That is a dumb argument and comparison.

Anyone with half a brain that has watched any SEC games this year can see it. It is blatant at this point. It was different in years past when they wouldn't make it so obvious and you still had chances to win the game. Now its just insane.

We played two games this weekend. One player each game left bloodied and with a foul on a play.
Lamont got called for a tech in OK for doing what was done to Chandler and Oweh.

Walking off the court would be justified. Until teams come together and say enough is enough it won't matter. And since some of these teams (Bama/Auburn) take advantage of it with flops and dirty play, I doubt that will happen. We aren't the only fans saying something. Everyone of the boards are upset with it. Rightfully so.

Its garbage and its time to stop defending it or acting like it makes us sore losers. They could also just do their damn jobs and ref a game like its not their first time on earth. If it really does go to the SEC offices and its not just corrupt or incompetent refs. Then peoples jobs should be in jeopardy.

This is all wishful thinking though. We all know what makes the world go round and unfortunately it isn't good character.
It was as bad as I've ever seen with the way the whistle was working against Kentucky. I personally would have made someone feel me with a real 1990's style foul on an opponent.
It was as bad as I've ever seen with the way the whistle was working against Kentucky. I personally would have made someone feel me with a real 1990's style foul on an opponent.
I agree. At least make it a foul. Unfortunately it would be an ejection for us without a doubt. But throwing Carr to ground with intention is just a basketball play...

I have a lot of family that lives in TN. They have been saying the same things. Like I mentioned most of the other boards are saying the same things. So hopefully more and more will get frustrated and something can actually start to happen. It doesn't matter how corrupt it is or who is making money if there is no more money to be made.

Money starts with the fans. You can't have anything without us.

Again though wishful thinking. It would take a major movement to stop fan bases of this size from spending money on it. And since some people are convinced that we just need to play harder (victims of their own mentality) I don't see that happening anytime soon.
They handled that the way teams should. If the officials are cheating, walk off the court. They aren't going to let you win, so what's the point? Let the advertisers have a chat with the conference.
I couldn't disagree more. Such is with life, you stay in the fight. The coach should get a couple Tech's, maybe get tossed. That way he is fighting for his kids. The players should play their ass off as they always should. The parents will no doubt ruin everything as they always do anyways. These kids will face obstacles until the day they die. At work, in public, at home, everywhere. How are we preparing them for the real world if we tell them it's ok to just quit? Just walk away when things get too hard or you feel cheated. I would be ashamed if this was my county and my team just walked off the floor like that. Honor should still mean something. If someone dishonors you the last thing you should do is dishonor yourself.
I don’t think I have ever seen this before. I honestly would like to do this in an SEC game at some point. Maybe next time we get three guys with stitches and they have shot 22 FT’s to our 2.
Years ago and I mean years ago my school was beating a team by 30+ in the 3rd quarter that’s the only time I’ve seen this
I couldn't disagree more. Such is with life, you stay in the fight. The coach should get a couple Tech's, maybe get tossed. That way he is fighting for his kids. The players should play their ass off as they always should. The parents will no doubt ruin everything as they always do anyways. These kids will face obstacles until the day they die. At work, in public, at home, everywhere. How are we preparing them for the real world if we tell them it's ok to just quit? Just walk away when things get too hard or you feel cheated. I would be ashamed if this was my county and my team just walked off the floor like that. Honor should still mean something. If someone dishonors you the last thing you should do is dishonor yourself.
No thank you. Facing obstacles in life is not the same as facing corrupt refs in a recreational basketball game. Walk out of there with your heads held high for not allowing yourself to be cheated. Shouldn't allow yourself to be walked on and turn around and say its honorable.

You would only be dishonoring yourself further by staying in the situation. Gritting your teeth and eating shit doesn't teach anything except how to be complacent.

I teach mine what's right and to be decent but not to the extent that you are hurting yourself. You should take that shame you feel for the coaches and kids that walked out and direct it at the grown ups that cause these situations by not doing their jobs.

I got a technical one time for the ball rolled near half court and I picked it up. I heard one of my buddies say watch this cause he knew I was gonna shoot it. I did and splashed it. I held my follow through all the way down the court and got a technical, the only one of my high school career. I didn't care, it looked pimp asf. May God strike me dead. Literally two steps from half court. Dude it killed me tearing my ACL/MCL in the football playoffs senior year. I would've been the all time scorer. And I don't know why but if I air balled my first shot it meant I was having a huge game. Hit 30 or more 5 times. My scoring average rose from 6 my freshman year, on varsity, to 14, to 20. I know people embellish things all the time but everything I'm saying is the Gods honest truth.

At least in my senior year in football I led the state in interceptions and was first team all state in the AP, which was the Lexington Herald and first team all state in the coaches poll which was the Courier Journal. I was the first person in my school's history to be regional player of the year in two sports. I miss being a beast at sports. And I smoked weed before every game on both sports. Took a lot of pain killers with it during football but I tried it once in basketball, painkillers I mean, and rolled my ankle in warmups and couldn't hit shit.
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