Pope’s BYU Buyout

Yes. It’s common. It’s why the argument that “coaches can leave why can’t players” is a weak argument. Coaches don’t coach at 3 different schools in 4 years. And 75%+ of the time, if they break their contract, it comes with the receiving school paying a buyout to break the losing schools contract.

So players should either have transfer rules such as the old “1 free transfer and 1 grad transfer” or a 2 transfers in 5 years rule….or we go to player contracts with buyouts
That argument is also silly because coaches are not at the school to get a college education. Everyone forgets that’s supposed to be the reason you’re there. Not to play basketball. It’s college.
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Anyone with any understanding of leverage whatsoever knows we could've gotten pope at a discount. Hell had he not played here, his resume would never gotten a second glance.

You're confusing his results with his resume. At the time of hiring, he had his resume which warranted much less. Just look at the buyout for comparison in negotiations.
Yes, I'm sure I'm the one confused here.
Do other elite programs have the "Go to the sweet 16 get extended a year" clause in their coach's contracts? This is nothing against Pope just doesn't seem needed IMO
I'm not a fan of that one either and I wasn't a fan of Stoops getting a year tacked on when he won 7 games (that was removed this last go around thank god). Mark Pope could go Sweet 16, Round of 32, Round of 32, Sweet 16 and have two years added to his contract. So, if he does that his first 4 years, he would still have 3 years remaining on his contract and it would be pretty obvious he wasn't the answer. So, now you added $8.25 million to his buyout that wasn't necessary. Why not just evaluate every couple of years and add 2 more years on if his productivity warrants it to get him back to the 5 year contract?
If someone can show me that coach's salaries are passed on to the taxpayer, then I will care. If it's just these rich people paying other rich people, then miss me with that. I couldn't care less.
That argument is also silly because coaches are not at the school to get a college education. Everyone forgets that’s supposed to be the reason you’re there. Not to play basketball. It’s college.
Yeah but the problem there is other students can transfer as many times as they want. They can transfer after a semester.
Yeah but the problem there is other students can transfer as many times as they want. They can transfer after a semester.
They can but who does?? Why would you study at a different place every year?? Where would your degree be from? I just think everything is so Fked up because people have forgotten the school part.
Mitch has done some goofy stuff, and deserves criticism.

The buyout was a given for any coach we bought. I don't know how any of you didn't know this was a thing before March 12th. You didn't assume we paid a buyout? You didn't assume it was a few million dollars?

Mark Pope has had an amazing 1st season. I don't understand the outrage of "OH MY GAWD, WE PAID HIS BUYOUT?!?!" This seems like you just want to complain for the sake of complaining.
@Cats192 I hope you didn't take that from my post. I just genuinely didn't know he had a 6 mil buyout, truly. Every coach has one and I'm very glad we paid it. I think you know me well enough by now that I meant absolutely nothing negative when mentioning it.
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Cal did have a buyout though. That's why we couldn't fire him. It was like 40 mil over the course of 6 years or something insane.
Apparently you are not aware that there are different kinds of buyouts. One kind obligates the school to pay the coach if he’s fired, another kind obligates the coach to pay the school if he leaves early.

Cal’s contract had only the first kind (and it was ENORMOUS), not the second.
Buyouts would certainly be interesting. It would give a lifeline to the mid majors who find and/or develop a good to great player. Some power conference grabs that guy, pays the buyout, and the mid major is all of a sudden flush with cash to fill out their roster.
Buyouts would certainly be interesting. It would give a lifeline to the mid majors who find and/or develop a good to great player. Some power conference grabs that guy, pays the buyout, and the mid major is all of a sudden flush with cash to fill out their roster.
Yeah. Could be as easy as a set NCAA buyout price
That argument is also silly because coaches are not at the school to get a college education. Everyone forgets that’s supposed to be the reason you’re there. Not to play basketball. It’s college.
Oh I agree…but this current pay for play era that we are in was driven by completely ignoring the value of a college education, free room and board, etc. I would have loved to not left college in 100k of debt. NIL needs to be relegated back to Jersey sales, ticket prices, and advertisements… ya know…Name, Image, and likeness. Instead it’s just open season for boosters and “recruiting”