Please help fellow UK fan In Hospital

Oct 2, 2008
Wanted to share here in hopes someone could help this older couple with a few bills while he is in the hospital battling a very serious and sudden lung infection that has left him with breathing only 20% on his own. They are on a limited income, UK fans from KY, and also a friend who enjoys metal detecting as a hobby like myself. I was hoping to get his spirits up some and help them in a small way and for his wifes travel back and forth to the hospital. Thanks to anyone who can help.

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Thanks man. I tend to be more of a Randy Rhoads fan with Ozzy a close second. I just feel so sorry for this couple and the guy got ill really fast. His wife has her hands full and is not really a internet wiz so with her blessing I created this for them to help out.
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I know funds are tight these days. Let me try this. Can we get 100 people to donate $2 ? Don't mean to be pushy at all and won't bump the thread again so thanks to anyone who can help.
Thanks Bkocats, He has been around the Facebook detecting groups a while and on my friends list and just wanted to help them in some way as the wife was under a lot of pressure and hoped this would ease that some.
Thanks everyone, the fund site was down a few minutes. Its back up now. The links show on my PC but take a sec to load because the forum format links it as media for some reason. If you are on a phone just go to the Go Fund Me main page and search for:

Forrest Stinnett
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