Pitino's hair?!


Jul 20, 2003
Two bald (?) spots on the back of his head. Either its falling out in clumps, or its two gray spots? Maybe he was in a cat fight? ODD LOOKING.
I believe they take hair from the back to fix the front because he's had multiple operations (obviously) to fix the front. I'd imagine the back eventually gets weak on some people and falls out. Now about that
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Remember Gene Keady from Purdue? Maybe Slick Rick ought to get a combover like that.
Funny thing is, his son has a much bigger bald spot and he's, 30 years younger?
RP had hair transplants while at UK...we used to get great students seats right behind the bench.
the bald spot in back was growing and then one was gone!
It's the back of his head.. Icecold and Ugoff have the most likely theories, I'm on the fence. Or it may be that it's just sometimes what happens when you live your life being an egotistical d-bag.
Pitino was getting a shiner on the top rear of his head when he coached here. No doubt, some kind of weave or hairpiece.
In fact, Cal is starting to get a noticeable one as well. I would imagine he would just be ok with it.