Pitino on KSR

If Denny Crum can become best buddies with Joe B. Hall and do a popular radio show with him, then why can't Pitino reach out to Pope and help UK with some cash?
Isn’t he the same POS that wanted us to fail so badly that he recommended Pelphrey and Ford? The hatred for Calipari throwing some into the arms of Pitino is embarrassing.
It's no surprise to anyone that you maintain an anti-Pitino take.

I bet one of two things: you were two young to absorb the significance of going from death penalty probation in 1991 to #1 in the nation 18 months later, or you're simply not a Kentucky fan.

Those of us who lived through probation and saw the greatest rebuild in sports history are wise enough to appreciate what Pitino truly did here.

You're take is outlandishly flawed, but that's par for the course for you. You're simply one of the worst posters on this message board community.
F Pitino.

He could have gone to UNLV or Michigan, but he picked Louisville. This is akin to your ex-wife sleeping with anyone, but choosing your worst enemy.

He neither never understood the UK experience, or simply chose to ignore it.

Screw him either way.
Except Louisville's been irrelevant since the 1980s. Some of you gave way too much credibility to the Louisville rivalry in the 1990s and allowed it to galvanize into a bitterness when Pitino went there in early 2000s.

It's always been silly water cooler level emotion from BBN. Louisville is not worthy of that much angst, even if you encountered their inept fans at the water cooler at work.
I am not in any way A Pitino fan. He can give millions to UK athletics and he will still be a Dick.
Meanwhile you loved you some Calipari these last four years as you defended him to the bitter end.

Pitino rescues UK from becoming Indiana 30 years ago and some of you are still bitter because he chose to coach down the road. It's actually quite comical. You guys have all the decades-long gossipy bitterness of an old-ladies' quilting circle.
Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to welcome back a guy that allegedly either greenlit or looked the other way on underaged hookers.
Pitino was cleared of all wrongdoing.

That said, your attempt to ad hominem a guy who saved us from the death penalty is comical. I don't even really believe you believe what you're writing. You're playing a part and have been since you created an account here.
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Meanwhile you loved you some Calipari these last four years as you defended him to the bitter end.

Pitino rescues UK from becoming Indiana 30 years ago and some of you are still bitter because he chose to coach down the road. It's actually quite comical. You guys have all the decades-long gossipy bitterness of an old-ladies' quilting circle.
What's comical to me is that we have Kentucky fans who want to give that piece of garbage a pass for everything he's done. He was great when he coached at Kentucky and then it all went downhill from there. He chose to coach for Louisville; the team that Kentucky fans hate the most, he trashed Kentucky every chance he got, he flipped off Kentucky fans, cheated on his wife, hired prostitutes for Louisville players.... on and on. Kentucky should keep him away from the program. There's no Calipari love from me. You can see where I've made my opinion on him known from the time they announced his hire to the time he finally crawled away from here.
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Meanwhile you loved you some Calipari these last four years as you defended him to the bitter end.

Pitino rescues UK from becoming Indiana 30 years ago and some of you are still bitter because he chose to coach down the road. It's actually quite comical. You guys have all the decades-long gossipy bitterness of an old-ladies' quilting circle.
Again, do you have a mirror? You are describing yourself.
Pitino could have coached down the road, Michigan or back at Providence and he would still be a Dick.
And as far as supporting Cal. So what. Your approval means nothing to me so mention it all you want. I also said it was time for Cal to go well before he left.

I am taking a wait and see on Pope. Naturally, I am pulling for him but I need to see something besides headlines on this board. You have gone overload on both sides of the Pope hire. Stop preaching to people and maybe, realize that you are not all that well thought of yourself.
What's comical to me is that we have Kentucky fans who want to give that piece of garbage a pass for everything he's done. He was great when he coached at Kentucky and then it all went downhill from there. He chose to coach for Louisville; the team that Kentucky fans hate the most, he trashed Kentucky every chance he got, he flipped off Kentucky fans, cheated on his wife, hired prostitutes for Louisville players.... on and on. Kentucky should keep him away from the program. There's no Calipari love from me. You can see where I've made my opinion on him known from the time they announced his hire to the time he finally crawled away from here.
Deep down, you know you love that lecherous old Italian yankee. It's ok. Just be honest with yourself. 😁
Except Louisville's been irrelevant since the 1980s. Some of you gave way too much credibility to the Louisville rivalry in the 1990s and allowed it to galvanize into a bitterness when Pitino went there in early 2000s.

It's always been silly water cooler level emotion from BBN. Louisville is not worthy of that much angst, even if you encountered their inept fans at the water cooler at work.
It's kinda funny how UL is our ''rival''. They suck. There was a brief stint there in the 80s. Then UK started kicking their ass. Pitino brought back that 80's stint. But it was only because a former UK coach. Wanted to be back in KY. They lost that rivalry forever in 2012 and 2014.
It's kinda funny how UL is our ''rival''. They suck. There was a brief stint there in the 80s. Then UK started kicking their ass. Pitino brought back that 80's stint. But it was only because a former UK coach. Wanted to be back in KY. They lost that rivalry forever in 2012 and 2014.
What some of our bitter fans don't understand is that by pointing their hatred at Pitino for choosing Louisville, they actually validate Louisville as a serious rival and threat to our program.

I've haven't taken Louisville seriously since the Reagan Administration ended. Some of our fans confuse their hatred of obnoxious Louisville fans for Louisville actually being relevant. They blend the two together, and somehow call it a "rivalry."

We've dominated the supposed "rivalry" to the point where when people talk about it as being a legit competition, it comes across contrived.

It's weird stuff.
What some of our bitter fans don't understand is that by pointing their hatred at Pitino for choosing Louisville, they actually validate Louisville as a serious rival and threat to our program.

I've haven't taken Louisville seriously since the Reagan Administration ended. Some of our fans confuse their hatred of obnoxious Louisville fans for Louisville actually being relevant. They blend the two together, and somehow call it a "rivalry."

We've dominated the supposed "rivalry" to the point where when people talk about it as being a legit competition, it comes across contrived.

It's weird stuff.
The rivalry exists in football. Kinda. But in basketball? Lol
Ok so I never liked Pitino as a person
I think he’s an utter slimeball…a shit husband for sure
But that’s his personal life and it affects me not at all. I didn’t HAVE to like him
As a coach, he represented UK well..and I loved that he was our coach. He left us in a very good place, he didn’t drag our program through the gutter. Of course I was upset when he left and I was angry that he ended up at UofL. And I never wanted him hired back here after being at UofL. But ya know, carrying a grudge like that affects no one else
As I said in an earlier post, he really doesn’t exist in my world…but it’s a good look for him AND our program he’s doing what he’s doing. And I can grudgingly respect him for it

In time my anger at Calipari will dissipate…but it’ll probably be a long time. His ego nearly destroyed my program and believe me, that’s a hard thing to forgive

And, as Forest Gump said, that is all I have to say about that
And isn't he the same guy who's SON contacted the NCAA about Bledsoe having fraudulant grades?
I mean, it's pretty obvious that Bledsoe's GPA was bogus, regardless of who turned him in.

As for Pitino, I've never had the hate that others have had. He brought UK from the gutter to the best team in the 90's basically overnight.
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