Pitino on KSR

Pitino > Cal
He’s definitely figured out that he’s getting old and wants to be remembered well at a place that used to love him. Especially since UofL is partially mad at him too, probably not as much now because it’s basically open season on paying people now.
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Donated to the football team! Man we definitely have to let Pitino back in!

I love it. It crushed me when he went to Louisville but it was nothing like a Calipari situation Pitino knows his legacy is at UK. That’s where it belongs. I never once thought about following Pitino none of us would, but I am one that has no trouble saying I was always a Pitino over Cal guy. Pitino is a real coach he just made some of the worst decisions imaginable. He smashes Louisville these days and wants to be a part of his legacy at UK. I’m all for it. I’ll get bashed for it but I grew up learning UK under Pitino and nobody will ever get that out of me in any way.
Isn’t he the same POS that wanted us to fail so badly that he recommended Pelphrey and Ford? The hatred for Calipari throwing some into the arms of Pitino is embarrassing.

He did that for the same reasons Calipari wanted Payne promoted at UL. They were competing against the program of course they both wanted garbage coaches at their rival. However, Pitino screwed up and should have never been in that position in the first place. He only did it because we wouldn’t buy out Tubby at full price and rehire him. Pratt said several times that the brass at UK don’t trust he wonuldnt just go back to the NBA again and didn’t want to deal with him.

I get it some people hold the Louisville sht against him and I’m not going to argue that. It’s a valid reason to hate the guy. However, because he made UK what it is in the modern era, because I grew up in his era, because he wants UK to be his legacy, I’m going to look past it. I won’t blame anyone who doesn’t want to though.
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And isn't he the same guy who's SON contacted the NCAA about Bledsoe having fraudulant grades?
He's pure slime, but I can see where there's low self-esteem folks out there that would give him a big sloppy kiss.

None of this is because he loves UK. It's all about him turning the knife in Calipari's back. They are both awful in their own ways and we don't need either of them.
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no doubt that Pitino was a masterful coach during his time @ UK. He took no crap from any one. He was fiery and determined to win.
I hated that he went to UL and would not want him back at UK. His personal demons will haunt him from now on, but during his hey day, he was the best.
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If someone told you last summer that in a year Pope would be coaching UK, Cal would be at Ark, and Pitino would be on KSR; you’d probably ask them if they were high.
Which shows all these grudges against any x coach is basically a waste of time. The lesson should be never fall in love with your coach but support your team 100%. Remember some disliked Rupp cause he went to Kansas as a player.
Never thought I’d say that
You know, when you get to a certain age, sometimes you gain clarity about what is important in life.

I don’t know Pitino personally. But, I know while he was here, I loved him and he broke my heart leaving. I think he made some serious mistakes and paid the price.

Maybe, just maybe, he has gained clarity and really wants to make a difference for those people special in his life. I think Pope and Gran are special people in his life. I also think he really holds a very special place in his heart for KY and not just the program, but the people. He wants to make a mends and be welcomed back!
Which shows all these grudges against any x coach is basically a waste of time. The lesson should be never fall in love with your coach but support your team 100%. Remember some disliked Rupp cause he went to Kansas as a player.
I don't see grudges. I just see people that aren't fooled by his fake act and others that would let him walk all over them and like it.
It isn't like Pitino went straight to UL from us. Someone mentioned UNLV or Michigan. At that time, a lot of coaches would've chose UL. While it hurt for just a minute, I was never in the hate category because he coached there. I loved Rick when he was here. I'm glad he's getting back in good graces with some. Here is where his legacy is. Some need to realize it's just a game.
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Which shows all these grudges against any x coach is basically a waste of time. The lesson should be never fall in love with your coach but support your team 100%. Remember some disliked Rupp cause he went to Kansas as a player.
Agree completely with your statement, although I do not know of anyone that disliked Rupp because he went to Kansas. I am guessing only about 20 % (max) of our fans were alive when Rupp coached his last game here.
Which shows all these grudges against any x coach is basically a waste of time. The lesson should be never fall in love with your coach but support your team 100%. Remember some disliked Rupp cause he went to Kansas as a player.
Coaches come and go. Players come and go. But being a Wildcat is for life.
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