Pickup ball in Bowling Green?

I'm moving to Bowling Green next month, does anyone play pick up games regularly in the area?

I've lived in Bowling Green for the past 20 years... While pick up ball isn't as prevalent as it used to be here, you can still find some good games in BG. If you want fun & medium level games go to Covington Park. If your looking for more serious games go to Kereiakes Park at night during the summer. You'll occasionally find former College & serious HS ballers there. You can also find a mixed bag of all skill levels and ages at the local parks & rec center. Here's a link with directions to all Parks in BG- There are other parks, but they all have problems with crime from the surrounding neighborhoods. Good Luck!
Depends on skill level. Basil Griffith has decent level players who run every evening. The more skilled and best are on Campus. And yes you can play. K park, watch yourself playing there, it can get Hood real quick, not meaning that as it sounds, lots of rough characters come and go there. My sons and their friends all play at Basil, its about a half mile from the house. All of their friends are pretty decent players, not quite good enough to make varsity, but can ball type players.

The BG lol guy, he is the exact guy who would get dropped within the 1st game a K Park. Guaran damn tee u. If he is like that in real life and did it there, his friends (if he has any), would carry his ass to the car.
join BAC and go play at the South location on Nashville Rd. Very nice gym, full court, always have games from about 5:00-7:00 every night. I played there 4-5 days a week when I lived in Bowling Green. They also have recreational and competitive leagues in the summer and winter. Really miss playing there.

How much is a membership?