Givens.Now, who guards Mash?
And Delk hands you a loss as he scores 35
Givens.Now, who guards Mash?
I put AD on Prince but you apparently want to see Issel score 50. Prince would bounce right off him.
You have a good sense of humor.Givens.
And Delk hands you a loss as he scores 35
On AD? You must be trolling.
I know a lot of people will scoff at this, but in terms of ability I don’t think the gap between rondo and wall is that big. Had rondo played for Cal or Pitino he’s a top 10 pick.
Rondo had a better career in both high school and the nba than he did in college. He’s another deep playoff run away from the hall of fame as one of the best passing/setup guys to ever play the game. He still has the single season assist record for oak hill as well as the national single game prep record.
Also I’d wager that rondo is one of the fiercest competitors to ever play here. He simply doesn’t know how to play any other way.
I remember watching what was basically a pickup game between the Kentucky all stars and the Cal coached Dominican team in the yum center several years ago. And the UK guys didn’t seem to be taking it seriously. Except Rondo. And after about 3 quarters of barking at and trying to get the other UK guys to step it up he finally got through to them and they almost came back and won after being down huge.
I’m actually really looking forward to rondo and Davis getting to play together again. Them and boogie all seemed to have great chemistry in New Orleans. I just wish Davis could have found a way to bring miller with him too. If Lebron is still serious about winning they will be hard to beat.
I agree, I just think Wall just happens to be another level.