
not many can handle Sears....Lamont can at least give him some resistance. Definitely have to zone when TP is spelling Butler.
This is not the style of game that suits Perry at this stage in his career. No way to hide him on defense. Kerr wouldn’t be much better but he would’ve had 3-4 years of experience/instincts to fall back on that Perry just does not have at the moment. Still think Perry can provide some valuable back up minutes but gotta keep those stints short IMO.

We’re going to be asking a lot of Butler today.
This was my reason for it being crucial to butler playing. Someone said we would be needing butler just as much for offense than defense but it’s clear we had to have butler for sears
But, problem is Butler has no offensive game. Darn, we sure need a John Walk type on this team. Pope will get better drivers and finishers next year., but tge defense will probably fall off.
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